Marloes komt net thuis van een weekend bij haar andere partner en Muis en ik zaten net samen op haar te wachten tot ze thuis was. Muis is vanaf het eerste moment dat Mloes binnenliep aan het mieuwen, heb haar zelf amper gehoord vandaag hahaha. Zo schattig, die twee hebben een heel unieke band gekregen. Loves of my life.
#catlove #CatsOfMastodon #metamour #Polyamorie
M'n meta is hier en we zijn allebei postbezorger bij POSTNL. En AuDHD. En non-binair. Onze partner heeft een type. Zeg maar. 😂
Marloes’ andere partner is bij ons, voor de derde keer oid, en Muis is ZO knap. Normaal komt ze wel even beetje nieuwsgierig snuffelen maar blijft ze het meest op afstand. Nu kwam ze mieuwen en voorzichtig kroelen. Stamp of approval, nu hoort hen echt helemaal bij ons 🥰🥰
My #partner and #metamour experiencing #aewdynamite live in #seattle. Both of their first wrestling shows ever and my return to column writing at Wrestling Headlines.
#partner #metamour #aewdynamite #seattle
@ivy the most important part of polyamory is _communication_. We're in a massive tangle of a polycule and all very happy (Wilbur tried to map it out once and just plain failed, it's expansive enough not all of our metamours even know one another or that they are a part of it) so it's possible at, in our opinion, any size.
It's all about establishing what you're comfortable with– is this an open relationship? Would you like to be asked before people are "added on"? Do you want everyone to be dating everyone, or is it alright to have "branches" (we do, which is part of how ours is so large)? Do you want to all be at the same stage in your relationship (eg. if some of you are engaged, should everyone be on the same page?) Those are just some things to start with.
The _most_ important part is that if you don't feel comfortable anymore, people should understand. You _can_ leave, you _can_ break up with only some people in the relationship, and if that will cause problems then you need to talk it through. Polyamory is about communicating, it's about understanding, it's about accepting, and above all it's about trust.
One concern a lot of people have going into a polyamorous relationship is "what if one of my partners leaves me to be only with our metamour(s)? That can happen, but that might happen regardless just from them meeting and getting to know each other. Trust that they'll respect you and your feelings. Trust that they care about you. Trust that you matter to them, and things will be okay. -Wilbur and (a bit) Q
#polyamory #polyam #queer #lgbtq #polycule #metamour
me, teasing my #metamour last night for probably naming herself after an #AssignedMale character:
#SophieLabelle showing up on my feed the next morning:
#metamour #assignedmale #sophielabelle
It's funny how much you can learn about a #trans person from their name
My girlfriend took their name from #Maxwell on #Wolf359
My boyfriend took his from #CircleOfMagic by #TamoraPierce
And my #metamour? Well, I can only assume she got hers from #BlackButler, but #SophieLabelle's #AssignedMale comic is also an option
I still use a derivative of my birth name, but I've cycled through a few options and they read me to filth just as well
(Yes I'm #polyamorous #t4t and it's fucking fantastic)
#trans #maxwell #wolf359 #circleofmagic #tamorapierce #metamour #blackbutler #sophielabelle #assignedmale #polyamorous #t4t