#MetaphorReFantazio Character Designer Soejima Interview on Initial Concept Art, Protagonist Design - Persona Central
#MetaphorReFantazio Director Hashino Interview on 'Fantasy', Persona Similarities, Calendar and Deadline System
🌍 🧚 Ekaineko iragarpenik handienetakoa izan da Atlus|en eta SEGA|ren Metaphor: ReFantazio.
Persona frankiziaren oinordekoa 2024an kaleratuko dute.
#Bideojokoak #MetaphorReFantazio #Atlus
#bideojokoak #metaphorrefantazio #Atlus
Here's the interview with Hashino/Soejima/Meguro from the live stream earlier. Really good insight into the minds of the three absolute legends working on this game, and how they approach creating a new IP while still retaining the identity they've created at ATLUS
I have to say, it looks like they've completely nailed it. GOTY 2024 I'm calling it now
#MetaphorReFantazio — Studio Zero Developer Interview
#Atlus hat es sich leider angewöhnt, die Plattformen zu den hauseigenen Spielen häppchenweise zu enthüllen. Wie bereits angenommen, wird aber auch #MetaphorReFantazio nicht nur für Xbox erscheinen. Ein neues Video-Interview gibt es noch dazu: https://jpgames.de/2023/06/metaphor-refantazio-erscheint-fuer-weitere-plattformen-und-beantwortet-heute-eure-fragen/
Metaphor: ReFantazio también llegará a PlayStation y Steam en 2024
#Noticias #Atlus #MetaphorReFantazio #RPG #StudioZeroKatsuraHashino
#noticias #atlus #metaphorrefantazio #rpg #studiozerokatsurahashino
#MetaphorReFantazio live stream starting right now, with English subtitles apparently. I'll try and watch a bit via the work wifi 😅
アトラス完全新作ファンタジーRPG『メタファー:リファンタジオ』発表記念特番 ~帰ってきた!?ストーカー倶楽部~
All those announced Atlus games are multiplatform, duh
Persona on everything, baby
#News #Atlus #MetaphorReFantazio #nintendo #Persona #Persona3 #Persona3Reload #PersonaTactica #playstation #sega #xbox
#xbox #sega #Playstation #personatactica #persona3reload #persona3 #persona #Nintendo #metaphorrefantazio #atlus #News
All those announced Atlus games are multiplatform, duh
Persona on everything, baby
#News #Atlus #MetaphorReFantazio #nintendo #Persona #Persona3 #Persona3Reload #PersonaTactica #playstation #sega #xbox
#xbox #sega #Playstation #personatactica #persona3reload #persona3 #persona #Nintendo #metaphorrefantazio #atlus #News
This is my surprised face again :blobcatboo:
#MetaphorReFantazio also coming to PS5, PS4, and Steam
Metaphor: ReFantazio, il nuovo gioco Atlus, uscirà anche su PS4, PS5 e Steam
Ernsthaft, #Atlus: War es euch nicht genug, dass ihr euch die FE-Charaktere für Shin Megami Tensei geborgt habt? Musstet ihr auch noch ganz offensichtlich das Design des wohl bekanntesten Fire Emblem-Charakters klauen? (Kein Scheiß: Ich dachte bei der ersten Einblende wirklich, das wäre Marth und das nächste beknackte FE-Crossover stünde uns ins Haus.)
#FireEmblem #FE #MetaphorReFantazio #Copyright
#atlus #fireemblem #fe #metaphorrefantazio #copyright
People seriously posting on Twitter that they think the 3 new ATLUS games are Xbox exclusives. Look at the Xbox sales numbers in Japan, there's no way. They're be insane to not release on PlayStation or Switch
I don't think #MetaphorReFantazio will get a Switch release, personally, but P3R and P5T? Definitely. That's where I'll be playing them
Aparte de los #Persona, #Atlus ha presentado un nuevo juego original.
"Metaphor Re Fantazio", un nuevo RPG de corte muy japonés (sí por favor, y así todos).
#XboxShowcase #XboxGamesShowcase #Xbox #XboxGamePass #XboxFanFest
#metaphorrefantazio #xboxfanfest #XboxGamePass #xbox #XboxGamesShowcase #XboxShowcase #atlus #persona
«Metaphor: ReFantazio — Announcement Trailer» / «Xbox»
Это было очень неожиданно. По многим причинам. Этот анонс в отличие от целых 2-х «Persona» ранее не утёк, и видеть его изначально у «Xbox» – всё ещё дико.
Мне как бы по большей части фиолетово, ибо это очередная «Perso... партийная RPG от «ATLUS». Но магия местами сочных и стильных интерфейсов всё ещё на месте, это радует. Ну и логотип, кст, тоже ультра зачётный.
People already doing frame by frame analysis of the #MetaphorReFantazio trailer. It has #ShinMegamiTensei skill names (Matarukaja and Tetrabreak) and what looks like the "press turn" battle system, and Magnetite
Plus absolutely stunning menus
#metaphorrefantazio #shinmegamitensei
I don't know if I'll be getting a PS5 or not but after the announcements of #Persona3Reload and #MetaphorReFantazio, I'm no longer worried about having a lack of exciting new games to play on PC in 2024.
#persona3reload #metaphorrefantazio