John Donne, metaphysical poet, died this day in 1631
He studied at Hart Hall, Oxford, which is now Hertford College. So here's a #postcard of said College in commemoration. He's one of my favourite poets.
"Busy old fool, unruly sun,
Why dost thou thus,
Through windows, and through curtains call on us?
Must to thy motions lovers' seasons run? ..."
#oxford #metaphysicalpoets #HigherEducationPostcard #highereducation #postcard
Five days until RSA in Puerto Rico, and amazingly, both my papers are written and slides prepared!
First up, "Milton in Japan: Paradise Lost in Translation" (co-authored), in the panel "New Perspectives on Milton's Poetics."
The other is a five-minute talk, part of a roundtable on "Metaphysical Poetry: Genre, Canon, Anthology."
#RSA2023 #Milton #ParadiseLost #MetaphysicalPoets #JohnDonne #EdmundSpenser
#rsa2023 #Milton #paradiselost #metaphysicalpoets #JohnDonne #EdmundSpenser