Decided to relive the golden days of #instagram (which I stopped using years ago) and go for #Pixelfed to post some #amateur #photos I like sharing.
I am currently torn between and Any suggestions? #Boosting could help this #toot reach those with #experience. 🙏
#instagram #pixelfed #amateur #photos #pixey #metapixl #boosting #toot #experience
Tänne myös tiedoksi, että mulla on ollu jonkin aikaa tämmöinen #metapixl tili. Yks kuva vasta siellä kokeilumielessä postattuna 🤔
Kyseessä on siis #fediverse versio instagramista nimeltään #pixelfed. Laittakaa vaan seurantaan, jos löytyy tili sieltä!
#pixelfed #fediverse #metapixl
Just as I was in the process of uploading a bunch of photos... #metapixl is down...
I posted some more old notes on #Metapixl. It's been fun reading through some of this that I wrote when I was just 18, back in 1998....[[|:-)
@Caelumtangi @rogerpons bé, jo vaig donar-me d'alta a abans que hi tinguessim disponible a
Som una pila de danesos o noruecs i jo. Fan molt bones fotos.
Es poden seguir usuaris de #pixelfed des de #mastodon, de la instància que sigui.
Hi accedeixo indirectament via mastodon amb el client #megalodon però també des del client web de #pixelfed
#metapixl #mastodont #pixelfed #mastodon #megalodon
I posted a few examples of the #tradingcardgame I'm designing on #Metapixl. I'm using #MagicSetEditor with some of the custom options, as the game has twelve colors....[[|:-)
#tradingcardgame #metapixl #magicseteditor
So that y'all know, my Pixelfed thingy is at @nefertaueret
I just posted some photos from 2020, the year I got my second knee replacement.
#Pixelfed #MetaPixl #photos #KneeReplacement
#pixelfed #metapixl #photos #kneereplacement
@Spag_bella Like you, I've also started dipping my toes into the Pixelfed waters. I've never been the most regular Instagram poster, but the process on my Pixelfed instance, Metapixl, felt pretty smooth. I did have to acquaint myself with a post, a collection, and some other options, but it feels manageable.
That said, I'm a newbie so I don't have a lot of hard-earned lessons to share yet.
Good luck!
#Instagram #Pixelfed #metapixl Thought I'd experiment with #metapixl / #pixelfed by snapping five books off my office bookshelf - no particular order, just the first five that came to hand
So, are there any other #fediverse sites that people recommend? I've been looking at #metapixl that looks pretty cool 👍