Chembael · @Chembael
75 followers · 195 posts · Server

Falls ihr das verpasst habt, wo wir immer den vorlesen und diskutieren, könnt ihr den Stream jetzt auf dem Kanal von Frosty Pen&Paper Online nachholen. : )

#aventurischesquartett #aventurischerbote #pnpde #dasschwarzeauge #metaplot

Last updated 1 year ago

Chembael · @Chembael
56 followers · 99 posts · Server

Das ist am Pfingstmontag wieder zusammengetreten, um den Nr. 218 zu lesen und zu diskutieren.
Wer's verpasst hat, kann es auf Youtube nachholen.

#aventurischesquartett #aventurischerbote #pnpde #dsa #dasschwarzeauge #metaplot #frostypenanpaperonline

Last updated 1 year ago

Lizard · @LizardSF
220 followers · 2143 posts · Server

@ludovic Props for Ye Olde 18th century spelling of "musketeer"! (I googled, it's a legit archaic form of the word.)

When I hear "metaplot", I hear "The setting we sold you last year has now changed; King Goodguy is dead, Baron von Evilstein is on the throne, the city of Clicheopolis has been destroyed by a meteorite, and a spell gone wrong has given elves beards and made dwarves hairless all over. Yes, even there, perv. And if you want to use any of our next batch of supplements, you need to incorporate these changes."

I'm sure you see why this was met negatively. Your description is much more central to the individual game. It's one thing if *I* decide to nuke Clicheopolis. I don't have the publisher trying to control the flow of my campaign or undoing any foreshadowing or planning I might have done.

#ttrpg #metaplot

Last updated 2 years ago

Matt J. · @lategamer
182 followers · 752 posts · Server

Say you’ve got a high fantasy game. Your players are starting out. Do you have the conversation in Session 0 on what they want out of it? Including what you as a GM want out of it?

I want to run a superhero game that’s not just about tiny rebellion (justice and the law), but something along the Olympian storyline in Miracleman or the Authority.

I’d even referee it.

#ttrpg #ttrpgDesign #metaplot

Last updated 2 years ago