Great to be part of the @bih_charite meta-science summerschool. So many interesting people from all over the world and all are concerned about pointing where it hurts and improving science.
Many thanks to @T_Weissgerber for organizing!
New article from me:
“The replication crisis is less of a ‘crisis’ in the Lakatosian approach than it is in the Popperian and naïve methodological falsificationism approaches”
#philsci #philosophyofscience #sts #ScienceOfScience #sociologyofscience #replicationcrisis #metaresearch #metascience
Pas facile de mesurer l'impact des congés sabbatiques sur la recherche… #metascience #researchonresearch
#ResearchOnResearch #metascience
We are very pleased to announce the 2023 Commendations for the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science! SIPS Commendations are a way to give recognition to projects that support the SIPS Mission. #OpenScience #Metascience #Psychology
#psychology #metascience #OpenScience
We are pleased to announce the 2023 Mission Awards Winners for the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science! SIPS Mission Awards recognize and increase awareness of exemplary products that further the SIPS mission. #OpenScience #Metascience #Psychology
#psychology #metascience #OpenScience
This absolutely encapsulates my views on education and medical research. My entire career has centered on these issues. #innovation #metascience
L'ANR annonce un colloque "15 ans de recherches en biodiversité : bilan et perspectives" le 5 octobre 2023. J'espère qu'il y aura un peu de #metascience et #STS pour objectiver ces recherches et leurs impacts !
How does the science reform movement align with broader changes in the academic landscape? Tom Hostler tackles this question in a new article on “Scientific reform, post-academic research, and academic identity”:
#sts #ScienceOfScience #sociologyofscience #replicationcrisis #metaresearch #metascience #OpenScience
"Discretion in research practice should perhaps not be seen as a weakness or a fault in the scientific method, but rather an integral part of it."
New preprint:
#sts #ScienceOfScience #sociologyofscience #replicationcrisis #metaresearch #metascience #OpenScience
Our plan for a diamond open access platform to share STS and other metaresearch more efficiently and transparently. Metascience doesn't really have a journal or platform yet, does it? (There is a journal called Metascience, but it publishes only book reviews I think) with @jasonchin @LudoWaltman #openaccess #metascience
A #philosopher 👩🏻🎓✨
#universityofsussex #brightonandsussexmedicalschool #environmentaljustice #metascience #EvidenceBasedMedicine #ebm #philosophy #moralphilosophy #philosophyofscience #phdlife #phdstudent #MedicalHumanities #placebos #healthdata #dataethics #medicalethics #qualitative
#placebos #brightonandsussexmedicalschool #environmentaljustice #metascience #EvidenceBasedMedicine #ebm #phdstudent #MedicalHumanities #philosopher #universityofsussex #philosophyofscience #healthdata #dataethics #medicalethics #philosophy #moralphilosophy #phdlife #qualitative
Proud to announce that our field experiment on code sharing behavior in the social sciences with @laura_schaechtele and Andreas Schneck has been awarded the ESRA Early Career Award 2023!
More information on the paper coming soon…(feel free to check our preregistration in the meantime:
#esra23 #openscience #metascience #metaRep #reproducibility #replication
#esra23 #openscience #metascience #metaRep #reproducibility #replication
Metascience News:
Tom Stafford (@tomstafford) provides a round up of the latest metascience news, workshops, conferences, talks, and listservs!
#sts #ScienceOfScience #sociologyofscience #metaresearch #metascience #OpenScience
To solve the above issue and other ones like the key issue of the needed assessment changes, the help of #metascience scientists would be valuable. Fostering #metascience coordination on the #openscience field could thus help.
#cernnasa #OpenScience #metascience
@marcellaflamme This looks like an excellent initiative! It's refreshing to see researchers from #STS and #metascience working together like this as well as the aspiration for more interaction with philosophy of science. Two thumbs up from me!
I do get your concern re. assigning reviewers based on “epistemic outlook.” It would be interesting to find out more about what that means exactly and how it's operationalized.
New proposal for scientists to sign NDA’s to facilitate reproducibility:
#sts #ScienceOfScience #sociologyofscience #replicationcrisis #metaresearch #metascience #OpenScience
The gist: our field attaches too much prestige and credibility to big formalized theories. We need more patience for incremental advances in reasoning about phenomena.
This commentary is open access thanks to an agreement between Syracuse University Libraries and Wiley.
#metascience #openscience #socialpsychology
The #Metascience Institute is a facility envisaged to systematically study the #research ecosystem & help maximize #societal benefit & public documentation.
📄Grant Proposal: by @EvoMRI, submitted to VolkswagenStiftung.
#sdgs #openscience #societal #Research #metascience
I review for two journals and am a recommender for PCI-RR. I see lots of reviews, and am regularly blown away by the care most people put into reviewing. On the whole, I love doing editorial work and am so grateful for the service most reviewers render the community. It helps give me hope about the future of our currently broken academic systems.
Thank you, thoughtful, constructive, and concise reviewers! You're bright spots in a dark landscape!
#openscience #academia #metascience
Want more? There’ll be a RepliCATS workshop the day before the conference (Monday 20 November).
Contact for more information.
#metascience #openscence