@GullumLuvl Yes! I never understood the insistence especially in #EvoDevo of using the term #Metazoa or even "metazoans" all the time when "animals" is perfectly fine.
This really weird title for a C. elegans scRNA-seq atlas reminds me of @Odedrechavi who said that "metazoan" in a paper abstract means the work is about fly or nematode.
#SingleCell #nematode #Metazoa
#singlecell #nematode #metazoa
With the progress in high quality genome assemblies and in bioinformatics of comparative genomics, it seems that we're going to see increasing resolution of tough points of animal phylogeny: "Ancient gene linkages support ctenophores as sister to other animals" https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-05936-6 #phylogeny #phylogenomics #Metazoa
#Phylogeny #Phylogenomics #metazoa
I learned recently that while the #EvoDevo and #phylogenomics literature overwhelmingly use the term #Metazoa, it is an obsolete junior synonym to #Animalia. #zoology
#NCBI taxonomy uses Metazoa, consistent with the use in molecular fields https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?mode=Info&id=33208&lvl=3&lin=f&keep=1&srchmode=1&unlock
but @gbif uses Animalia https://www.gbif.org/species/1, as does @Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal
As for #ICZN, they don't seem to care for modern concerns about phylogeny and such http://www.animalbase.uni-goettingen.de/zooweb/servlet/AnimalBase/loadcachedpage?url=animalbase-code.html
#evodevo #Phylogenomics #metazoa #animalia #zoology #NCBI #iczn
"I think that Rothko's paintings feel the way they do because of their anomalous relation to the usual business of seeing... a color field seems neither within us nor without... it is not how seeing usually works." —Peter Godfrey-Smith, on the relationship of #color to #cognition in the book #metazoa
It's kindah long(just like the blender video) But these two video on the origin of animals (#metazoa) from #Chaonoflagellate are pretty interesting:
RIF-1.. like the cells see that maybe it's one of the indicators that the food source is easier to catch by rosetting. Doesn't seem clear it is necessarily related to evolution of multicellularity.
Oh btw, i don't really know what i am talking about.