Out on the back porch last night I was looking up at the sky and saw a quite impressive "flaming #meteor," i.e. a #bolide , at about 10:30 pm CDT (3:30 UTC).
Checked NASA's All-Sky Fireball Network and they didn't catch it.
2½ and 3 hours later it did pick up two meteors a hundred or so miles north of me.
Travel companions?
found this useful page with info about meteor wx sats
One of two #crowdfunding projects I got burned on almost 10 years ago. The other one was on #Kickstarter and didn't even materialise...
Funny how these scams are is still online (Heck; AGENT even still pays for the site bills? http://agentwatches.com/).
#Kreyos #Meteor #AGENT #SmartWatch
Oh well.... at least I got 1 non-functional device for my museum 🤣🤣
KREYOS: The ONLY Smartwatch With Voice & Gesture Control | Indiegogo https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/kreyos-the-only-smartwatch-with-voice-gesture-control#/discussion
#crowdfunding #kickstarter #kreyos #meteor #agent #smartwatch
Another #meteor across the East Coast (#DC). I'm curious why they get so many that are so visible (also, mystery booms common there too). https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2023/09/03/fireball-meteor-dc-midatlantic-northeast/
Video footage shows a massive #meteor ripping across the sky, turning night to day for multiple Western states in the United States.
Vice: Tiny Metal Spheres Recovered from Ocean Floor Likely Interstellar, Alien-Hunting Harvard Astronomer Says https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/xgwvja/tiny-metal-spheres-recovered-from-ocean-floor-likely-interstellar-alien-hunting-harvard-astronomer-says #Interstellar #techscience #Abstract #aviloeb #Meteor #ALIENS
#interstellar #techscience #abstract #aviloeb #meteor #aliens
And last, but not least, and speaking of science and space, here's an amazingly well timed photo that looks beautiful.
APOD: The Meteor and the Galaxy
#space #thefinalfrontier #thesearethevoyages #oftheUSSEarth #astronomy #astrophysics #photo #photography #meteor #science
#Space #thefinalfrontier #thesearethevoyages #oftheussearth #astronomy #astrophysics #photo #photography #meteor #science
The #Meteor and the #Galaxy
#Astronomy #Picture of the Day
#meteor #galaxy #astronomy #picture #apod
#allsky #allskycam
Letzte Nacht war etwas mehr los bei uns am Himmel. Vielleicht ein #meteor oder eher doch ein #iridiumflare ?
#allsky #allskycam #meteor #iridiumflare
Ooh, while we were on vacation my backyard camera caught the #perseid #meteor shower on the night of Aug 13! Unfortunately the camera isn't all that expensive and creates an artifact where fast-moving meteors look like dashed lines, but it's fun that I can compile a timelapse like this!
#perseid #meteor #astrophotography #astronomy #meteorshower #perseids
Da ist wieder ein #meteor vor die Linse der #allsky gekommen.
RT from Huskyfan (@Swim1965)
Who just saw the huge fire ball go across Forest Hill/Sydenham #London heading towards Crystal Palace #fireball #meteor it was massive @VirtualAstro
Original tweet: https://twitter.com/Swim1965/status/1691206424880189440
Am 16. war ganz schön was los am Himmel. Zwei sehr helle Spuren.
Ich tippe bei der Süd nach Nord-Spur um 22:54:34 Uhr entweder auf ein Iridium Flare oder einen beachtlichen Meteor.
Die Aufnahme von 23:02:49 Uhr zeigt mit großer Sicherheit einen sehr hellen sich zerlegenden Meteor.
#allsky #astrodon #meteor #iridiumflare
#allsky #Astrodon #meteor #iridiumflare
Meine (bisherige) Foto-Ausbeute der #Perseiden #Meteor #Sternschnuppen dieses Jahr.
#sternschnuppen #meteor #perseiden
Noch ein #Meteor #Sternschnuppe in der Nacht von Sonntag auf Montag (13.-14.8.2023) gegen 2:07 MESZ.
A non-Perseid meteor whizzes past the core of the #MilkyWay in SW #NewMexico on Saturday night.
#milkyway #newmexico #space #astrophotography #astronomy #meteor #perseids
#Perseiden 2023 (Part 2)
Hier die Ausbeute von letzter Nacht bis heute morgen. Alle Meteoriten (und einen Iridium Flare) in einem Referenzbild vereint.
Die Perseiden (Sternbild Perseus) werden durch Bruchstücke des Kometen 109P/Swift-Tuttle ausgelöst, die beim Eintritt in die Erdatmosphäre verglühen.
Der Komet verschwindet nun wieder in die unendlichen Weiten ... Far well!