End of the Year Drama Challenge, 2022, Day 23: Longest drama you completed in 2022
The 2018 #cdrama #MeteorGarden with 49 episodes! Gotta love cdramas with their 30+ episode runs. There were many twists and turns, including a holiday trip to Canada that involved getting lost in a blizzard?! My favorite was Shancai's squid hat. It was a bit far-fetched at times, but a fun watch.
Here's a trailer:
My favorite #cdramas:
#LoveInTime (2022)
#FirstLoveAgain (2021)
#ThePrinceOfTennis (2019)
#Taiwanese #dramas:
#taiwanese #idontwanttobefriendswithyou #dramas #CDramas #arsenalmilitaryacademy #shiningforonething #mygirlfriendisanalien #theromanceoftigerandrose #ivefallenforyou #ashesoflove #theoathoflove #tenmilesofpeachblossoms #putyourheadonmyshoulder #thedayofbecomingyou #sweetteeth #loveintime #mycalorieboy #theeternallove #firstloveagain #theprinceoftennis #lbfad #somedayoroneday #meteorgarden #amazingtwins #frogprince #itstartedwithakiss #themischievousprincess
After perusing yours, I’ve decided my #introduction post was woefully insufficient.
My two true everlasting loves:
• #mdzs / #cql / #theuntamed (all formats)
• #harrypotter and #fantasticbeasts (not jkr)
Genres: #fantasy #xianxia #paranormal #horror #scifi #danmei #cdrama #kdrama #fanfic
#lotr / #lordoftherings
#got / #gameofthrones
#goblin / #guardian
#hanayoridango / #boysoverflowers / #meteorgarden
#introduction #mdzs #cql #theuntamed #harrypotter #fantasticbeasts #fantasy #xianxia #paranormal #horror #scifi #danmei #cdrama #kdrama #fanfic #lotr #lordoftherings #got #gameofthrones #strangerthings #thelastunicorn #cancipin #xfiles #willow #princessbride #goblin #guardian #hanayoridango #boysoverflowers #meteorgarden
remember, remember, die Krönung der Schauspielkunst 😂
Xi Men Yan from Meteor Garden.
Tbh I never finished watching Meteor Garden (2018) because the stupidity of the main girl character annoyed me. But I really liked the F4 boys and planned to draw all four if them. In the end I only drew Xi Men.
#XiMenYan #MeteorGarden #MeteorGardenArt #MeteorGarden2018 #DigitalArt #Art #MopaniArt #MastoArt
#MastoArt #MopaniArt #art #DigitalArt #MeteorGarden2018 #MeteorGardenArt #meteorgarden #XiMenYan