How I Used a Kill A #Watt #Meter to Hack How My #Home Uses #Energy
Odds are that your devices are wasting more energy and costing you more money than you're aware. A simple tool can help find the offenders in your outlets.
#Reschen eine Stunde vor #Sonnenaufgang auf 2440 #meter
#reschen #sonnenaufgang #meter
#transphobic #imperialist apologia is cringe AF.
imagine thinking " #jingoism is great, but can we make an #overproduced music video about it?!"
someone should teach these fools about #meter and #rhyme, too.
#transphobic #imperialist #jingoism #overproduced #meter #rhyme #tommacdonald #adamcalhoun #american
#stromanbieter #ostrom #variable #stromtarife #dynamischetarife #smartmeter #energie #energiewende #strom #smart #meter
Ich habe meinen Stromanbieter zu Ostrom (deutsches Startup) gewechselt. Dieser wird in den nächsten Monaten auch eigene Smartmeter vertreiben, da mein MSB leider dazu nicht in der Lage ist.
Wer 35 € sparen will verwendet bei der Anmeldung einfach den Weiterempfehlungscode: FRANM7DUWB
Natürlich ist er monatlich kündbar (andere Tarife schaue ich mir erst gar nicht an)
#stromanbieter #ostrom #variable #stromtarife #dynamischetarife #smartmeter #energie #energiewende #strom #smart #meter
The LocalCircles survey received over 24,000 responses from consumers across 291 districts of India. A total of 62% of the participants in the survey were men, while 38% were women
#Bell #PetrolPumpStaff #Meter #FillingTank
#bell #petrolpumpstaff #meter #fillingtank
Insta 7yrs ago: Measured up. #elporto #beachtown #lightandshadow #streetscene #minimal #noparking #meter #detail #manhattanbeach #notnorth #losangeles #mydayinla #beachlife #southbay #socal #california
#california #socal #southbay #beachlife #mydayinla #losangeles #notnorth #manhattanbeach #detail #meter #noparking #minimal #StreetScene #lightandshadow #BeachTown #elporto
I bought an analogue panel meter recently that reads up to 60V DC full scale deflection. These are super handy for monitoring the supply rails in my #strowger #telephoneExchanges
What I love about this one is the tiny wee screw base lamps it uses for the scale illumination!
So smol!
#vintageElectronics #testGear #Meter #analogue #lightbulb #lamp #incandescent
#incandescent #lamp #lightbulb #analogue #meter #testgear #vintageelectronics #telephoneexchanges #strowger
I was honored to be interviewed by Michael Croland, of Dover Publications, about #Acrostic #Limericks. His piece includes 8 of my acrostic limericks, in addition to my thoughts about the challenges of adding an acrostic element to a #verse form that already has plenty of #rhyme & #meter rules.
If you're interested in acrostic limericks, or acrostic #poetry in general, you should enjoy Croland’s article, “ACROSTIC LIMERICKS: A HYBRID OF TWO FORMS.” #Limerick #Humor #Poem
#poem #humor #limerick #poetry #meter #rhyme #verse #limericks #acrostic
Review: SwitchBot Hub 2 im Test #Luftfeuchtigkeit #Testberichte #applehomekit #Temperatur #SmartHome #assistant #Bluetooth #smarthome #SwitchBot #Display #google #Matter #meter #Hub2 #Wlan #IR
#Luftfeuchtigkeit #Testberichte #AppleHomeKit #temperatur #smarthome #assistant #bluetooth #switchbot #display #google #matter #meter #hub2 #wlan #ir
dafür gab es aber auch folgendes #Equipment:
#Glätteisen/Lockenstäbe (reichlich)
#Wasserkocher (25)
#Sandwichmaker (2, einer mit Waffelaufsatz)
#Playstation (1)
#Beamer (1, aber defekt)
#LED-Lichterkette ( 1 ca 6 Meter)
und mein persönliches #Highlight: ein #Toaster!
Nun, mir fehlt da nur noch die #Popcornmaschine (-:
Und ich habe gelernt, dass #Wärmflaschen bis zu 1 #Meter lang sein können und optisch an ein #Iltisfell erinnern.
#iltisfell #meter #warmflaschen #Popcornmaschine #toaster #highlight #led #beamer #playstation #sandwichmaker #wasserkocher #glatteisen #equipment
A reference list that may be useful to a very few people:
* Taxonomy of violations of Hermann's Bridge in early epic
* Glossary of technical terms relating to the metre of early epic
#epic #homer #metre #meter #hexameter #classics
#epic #homer #metre #meter #hexameter #classics
Hermann's Bridge is the most fundamental feature of Homeric prosody.
You'll find a short syllable at the start of the line more often than you'll find a violation of Hermann's Bridge.
Reading time: 11 minutes
#Homer #epic #ancientgreek #classics #meter #metre #poetry
#homer #epic #ancientgreek #classics #meter #metre #poetry
In Homer's dactylic hexameter, there are at least 53 lines that don't start with a dactyl (— ⏑⏑) or spondee (— —), but instead with an amphibrach (⏑ — ⏑), tribrach (⏑⏑⏑), or bacchius (⏑ — —).
(Commentators tend to claim that these are actually secretly dactylic anyway.)
Only 12 lines have a major violation of Hermann's Bridge.
Hermann's Bridge is stricter than the principle of starting the line with a long syllable.
#homer #classics #epic #metre #meter #poetry
In Homer's dactylic hexameter, there are at least 48 lines with an amphibrachic first foot.
Only 12 lines have a major violation of Hermann's Bridge.
Hermann's Bridge is stricter than the principle of starting the line with a long syllable.
#homer #classics #epic #metre #meter #poetry
Pi Pico Calculates Water Usage #Microcontrollers #magnetometer #raspberrypi #automation #homehacks #waveform #utility #meter #water #home #pico
#Microcontrollers #magnetometer #RaspberryPi #automation #homehacks #waveform #utility #meter #water #home #pico
Pi Pico Calculates Water Usage - Modern WiFi-enabled microcontrollers have made it affordable and easy to monitor e... - #microcontrollers #magnetometer #raspberrypi #automation #homehacks #waveform #utility #meter #water #home #pico
#pico #home #water #meter #utility #waveform #homehacks #automation #raspberrypi #magnetometer #microcontrollers
The more you look into the Homeric hexameter, the more Hermann's Bridge intrudes on absolutely everything.
You want to put ἄειδε after the mid-line caesura for a change? Tough, you're not allowed.
You want to try switching up πλέων ἐπὶ οἴνοπα πόντον with a genitive πλέοντος ἐπ' αἴθοπα πόντον? Nope, not gonna happen.
Oh, so you wanna know why Wernicke's Law is a thing? Take one guess.
#homer #metre #meter #epic #classics
Poriadne sa zmeraj.
#cat #meter #nameranetrihodiny #kýmbudeobedsizdriemnem #dennáhliadka #učímesapovelľahni #nedeľa #nejdemdoprírody
#cat #meter #nameranetrihodiny #kýmbudeobedsizdriemnem #dennáhliadka #učímesapovelľahni #nedeľa #nejdemdoprírody
@drsimevans We can’t if we don’t have a #smart #meter and live in a flat where they don’t work.