Aux Etats-Unis, en Allemagne, en mer du Nord : à chaque fois, l’histoire se répète. 20 à 30 millions de forages pétroliers abandonnés laissent échapper sous terre, au fond des mers ou dans l’atmosphère, du pétrole, des substances toxiques et, surtout, du #méthane, un gaz à effet de serre bien plus puissant que le #CO2.
Trends in atmospheric #methane concentrations since 1990
"We find that the long-term trend is driven by increased anthropogenic methane emissions, while wetland emissions show large variability and can modify the trend. The anthropogenic influence on hydroxyl radical, through nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide emissions, has modified the trend over the last decades and contributed to the atmospheric methane stabilization from 2000 to 2007. "
#Webb Discovers #Methane, Carbon Dioxide in Atmosphere of K2-18 b
"The abundance of methane and #carbon dioxide, and shortage of ammonia, support the hypothesis that there may be a water #ocean underneath a hydrogen-rich #atmosphere in K2-18 b. These ... observations also provided a possible detection of a molecule called ... DMS. On #Earth, this is only produced by #life. The bulk of the DMS in Earth’s atmosphere is emitted from phytoplankton in marine environments."
#life #earth #atmosphere #ocean #carbon #methane #webb
"Uh Oh, Methane Evidence Suggests We Entered Ice Age Termination Event" by Anton Petrov
#iceage #methane #climatechange
Amazingly, it's been a year since #Nordstream1 + #Nordstream2 were, well, neutralised...
Some of my ace @dmidk colleagues have been on the case of the #methane released, and it's surprisingly fascinating.
God læselyst!
#pipelines #NorthStream #Nordstream #methane #nordstream2 #nordstream1
#chemosynthesis #science #cave #lostworld #landofthelost #sleestak #methane
Projet #Sankey du #shiftproject
On peut faire des copies de ses sélections...
#co2 #methane #NH2
Le site :
#nh2 #methane #co2 #transitionecologique #greenhouse #gazaeffetdeserre #shiftproject #sankey
Bonjour, je viens de découvrir cet outil du @shiftProject #shiftproject : #Sankey
Un graphique qui détaille des émissions des gaz à effet de serre par année et par différentes répartitions.
C'est bluffant... enfin, après avoir bien étudié le truc :)
Je recommande
#co2 #methane #NH2
#nh2 #methane #co2 #transitionecologique #greenhouse #gazaeffetdeserre #sankey #shiftproject
Uh Oh, Methane Evidence Suggests We Entered Ice Age Termination Event - YouTube
New talk alert! #ElZoominario: short scientific talks by #LatinxInSTEM
Geo Santiago-Martinez talks about #methane-producing #microorganisms and why #Oaxaca has everything! 🇲🇽
#ciencia #ciencialatina #archaea #bacteria #microbiome #evolution #ecology #astrobiology
#astrobiology #ecology #evolution #microbiome #bacteria #archaea #ciencialatina #ciencia #oaxaca #microorganisms #methane #latinxinstem #elzoominario
Uff, EDF estimates methane leakage from pipelines in USA to be 1.25-2.66 Mt/a (69 - 147 PJ/a), saying official U.S. EPA estimates are up to 8 times **too low**.
147 PJ/a are ~1% of EU annual gas consumption.
#methane #leakage #usa #eu #edf
Droughts lower methane emissions, but the microorganisms that produce methane actually thrive! Those that consume methane do even better under warm and dry conditions, which is why the net flux is reduced. Excellent 1st paper by Joel White in JGR:Biogeosciences. 👏 #peatland #methane #science
Scientists warn that soaring methane emissions from tropical wetlands since 2006 could trigger a climate change “termination event” similar to the ones that ended ice ages. They urge immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and avoid a catastrophic tipping point for our planet. #methane #climate #termination
#methane #climate #termination
"How will you as both president of the United States and leader of the Republican Party calm their fears that the Republican Party doesn't care about climate change?" Diaz asked…
"The climate change agenda is a hoax," said former tech and finance executive Vivek Ramaswamy, in the night's clearest answer. Former United Nations ambassador and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley acknowledged climate change is real but downplayed American responsibility, while Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sidestepped the question altogether. Many candidates did not answer.
#USpol #ClimateEmergency #Methane #GlobalHotbox #Fires #MauiFires #CanadaFires #GreeceFires #FridaysForFuture
#republicandebate #uspol #climateemergency #methane #globalhotbox #fires #mauifires #canadafires #greecefires #fridaysforfuture
Scientists has confirmed that methane emissions from hydrothermal vents were behind a major climate warming event 55 million years ago. The team drilled into a large igneous province (LIP) between Greenland and Europe, finding evidence of shallow or subaerial hydrothermal activity. More methane could have escaped into the atmosphere and caused a rapid rise in global temperatures, affecting the biosphere and ocean chemistry. #climate #methane #vents
Depuis l’espace, l’ISS détecte du gaz à effet de serre s’échappant de Blue Origin
"L’entreprise spatiale de Jeff Bezos rejette une grosse quantité de méthane, visible depuis la Station spatiale internationale. Les fusées de la société fonctionnent au gaz naturel liquéfié, soit du méthane presque pur.".
#blueorigin #methane #rechauffementclimatique
Nearly 10,000 emperor penguin chicks die in ice breakup
#globalwarming #extinction #animalrights #ecology #earth #antarctica #classwar #ecosystem #environment #ausgov #auspol #taspol #tasgov #politas #co2 #methane #carbondioxide
#globalwarming #extinction #animalrights #ecology #earth #antarctica #classwar #ecosystem #environment #AusGov #auspol #taspol #tasgov #politas #co2 #methane #carbondioxide
There is zero doubt that transitioning to a renewable energy economy will save many thousands of lives and improve the health, well-being and lifetime productivity of millions of Americans.
There is no excuse for failing to accelerate the transition and eliminate the need for fracking for methane in proximity to Pennsylvania's communities.
#fracking #cancer #methane #ClimateChange
Does anyone care about the study linking Pa. fracking to cancer in kids?
#ClimateChange #methane #cancer #fracking
#Methane Makes #NaturalGas As Bad As #Coal For #Climate
Sharing a new Gas Leaks blog, video and set of social graphics on the recent study from researchers at Brown University & Rocky Mountain Institute showing the full climate impact of "natural" gas is likely on par with coal power given upstream #methane #pollution from #fracking and #pipelines. w apologies they posted on insta ; ;
#methane #naturalgas #coal #climate #pollution #fracking #pipelines