Filosofian ja empiiristen tieteiden suhdetta pohtii kiintoisasti Catarina Dutilh Novaesin DN-essee synteettisestä filosofiasta,
Filosofiassa 'synteettinen' ei merkitse keinotekoista tai ei-analyyttista, vaan empiirisesti tiedettävissä olevan integrointia käsitteelliseen tutkimukseen ja pyrkimystä hahmottaa "metsää" erityistieteiden "puilta".
#filosofia #philosophy #method #metodi #ethos #analyysi #analytic #synthetic #tiede #science
#science #tiede #Synthetic #analytic #analyysi #ethos #metodi #method #philosophy #filosofia
Nytt på bloggen. Reflekterar lite över Team Snatch som enligt egen utsago kommer att börja detaljera sina intrång. Motivet är att de vill försöka få företag att bli nekade hjälp från sin cyberförsäkring.
#ransomware #snatch #extortion #method #cyberinsurance
#method #memebership_inference 下一篇看这个。。引用过3000的一篇文章,虽然是17年的
#method #memebership_inference
So yes, #scirnce and #scientists do make, and have always made, absolute pronouncements that are later proven false or incomplete even when following the #ScientificMethod.
Who's to say the hallowed, revered #scientific #method itself may not one to be proven to be flawed..?
#method #scientific #scientificmethod #scientists #scirnce
A long-forgotten, recently highlighted #movie that showcases #Method #acting and delivers a devastating emotional experience is #Wanda, the most heartbreaking #film I've seen on this list (I've only seen 7, so far).
#MethodActing on #TheCriterionChannel
#thecriterionchannel #Methodacting #Film #wanda #Acting #method #movie
#IntroToMethodActing on #TheCriterionChannel makes clear that the boorish, often bordering on violent, behavior of many current #Method #actors isn't Method, at all, but an excuse for their shitty, insecure, personalities.
#actors #method #thecriterionchannel #introtomethodacting
#research conceptualisation Mumbai, #India : Tarini explored with us enormous #construction projects that promise to connect people and places, the extension of #urban spaces into the sea and the political aesthetics of #infrastructres. She also thought about #sand as a #method or as mediator and materials' fixity/ fluidity.
#Research #India #construction #urban #infrastructres #sand #method #anthropology
@davidgibson604 @joerogan @peterhotez @butlerlonney @jordanbpeterson Exactly.
#Debate is not science. The skills to win favours of an audience have quite little to do with finding objective truths. Only relative, phenomenological truths are at play there.
The founders of the #scientific #method acknowledged this, and thanks to countless members sticking true to principles, we have actual data predicting the actual world available.
#method : hence, manner; way; mode
- French: Méthode
- Italian: metodo
- Portuguese: método
- Spanish: método
Fill in missing translations @
does vignette survey (N=1212) across Instagram, Reddit, and dating apps; uses LMM to find for "perceived appropriateness across all vignettes, dating app users reported significantly higher scores ... than both Instagram users ... and Reddit users ..." And for perceived concerns, "Reddit users reporting significantly lower concern acr…: “When research is the context: Cross-platform user expectations for social media data reuse” #reddit #method #ethics
4. The actual link from the documentation of `ActiveRecord::Relation#create_or_find_by`
5. Nikita Voloboev list of articles about Rails
A little briefing on what #4mStorytelling is. It's made of 4 Modules (hence the "4M"). Each of those has a main component, the so-called "Graphs." I'll be introducing them in future posts. There are also pieces used across the Graphs – these are the Elements and Stickers.
As a visual & tactile #tool, it has mobile components that help you #visualise your #thoughts. With it, you can tell a #story to yourself & the people you work with. As a #method, it facilitates a #pragmatic way of #thinking.
#4mstorytelling #tool #visualise #thoughts #story #method #pragmatic #thinking
One of the thinkers who has influenced me most is the sociologist John Law, one of the creators of Actor-network theory, along with Bruno Latour, among others. I especially like his book "After Method" (2004), very influenced by the amazing work of Annemarie Mol (especially her "The Body Multiple"). For those who want to know more about Law, I recommend his website There is a lot of very interesting material (papers, projects, etc.).
How to study the messiness of social realities? ➡️ "I want to argue that while standard methods are often extremely good at what they do, they are badly adapted
to the study of the ephemeral, the indefinite and the irregular".
#Sociology #JohnLaw #ANT #Method
#sociology #johnlaw #ANT #method
#Dialectic, also known as the dialectical #method, is a #discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject but wishing to establish the #truth. In our latest article, writer Duff tells 3 stories.
#dialectic #method #discourse #truth
#Dialectic, also known as the dialectical #method, is a #discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject but wishing to establish the #truth. In our latest article, writer Duff tells 3 stories.
#dialectic #method #discourse #truth #blog #writers #writing
#Thoughtfulness #Personalized #Photography #Improvement #Perfection #Fotografía #Engraving #Practice #Learning #Computer #Method #Tablet #Quote #iPad
#silentsunday #Thoughtfulness #personalized #photography #improvement #perfection #fotografia #engraving #practice #learning #computer #method #tablet #quote #ipad
#ITByte: The #Architecture #Development #Method is applied to develop an enterprise or solution architecture which will meet the business and information technology needs of an organization or a specific program.
#method #Development #architecture #itbyte
On Rene Descartes' birthday, this piece I wrote a little while back might make for interesting reading. As it turns out, he doesn't advocate universal doubt, and certainly not for certain kinds of people!
#Descartes #Doubt #Knowledge #Method #Philosophy
#philosophy #method #knowledge #doubt #descartes
“There is limited evidence on the efficacy of e-cigarettes as successful smoking cessation tools, with research showing it was more common for smokers to become dual users - of both e-cigarettes and tobacco products at the same time - than to quit if they used nicotine e-cigarettes,” said Prof Pettigrew.
There is limited evidence linking #vaping to bad health outcomes, yet #publichealth are comfortable insisting on blanket bans.
The #method is floored. The sample is biased to under 30. People using vaping to quit smoking tend to be older.