#JohnChivington led the #SandCreekMassacre , also known as the Massacre of the Cheyenne Indians. 👉 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sand_Creek_massacre
He was also a #Methodist pastor and a #Mason.
#johnchivington #sandcreekmassacre #methodist #mason #resistancegenealogy #histodons
I learned a milder version of this in as a child at #Methodist summer camp: "We believers are coals in a fire. We must stick with our own kind and avoid outsiders or our fire will go out."
I find a great deal of inspiration from Poetry Magazine through the Poetry Foundation. Each month brings a treasure trove of poems written most often by writers from the margins. The poems have a deep impact on how I preach.
I often encounter poems I do not understand. Striving in my cisgender male way, my heart is opened. It's a hope which correlates with the experience of first century followers of Jesus. It offers an antidote to empire.
#poetry #inclusion #racism #lgbtqia #methodist
#Methodist Bishop: Time to move from rancor to revival
I was raised as a #Methodist in Qld. It didn’t take.
I’ve never been religious at all.
Yet, here I am more than 50 years after I last went to church, listening to one of my favourite albums, #Rockwiz - The #Christmas Album. In February… lol
#methodist #rockwiz #christmas
In the #Pentecostal church we were expected to give a #Testimony about our depraved life before being #BornAgain. We were in the company of former mobsters and prostitutes. I felt inadequate because I didn't feel born again and in my previous life I was a #Methodist. The congregation was kind and accepting anyway.
#pentecostal #testimony #bornagain #methodist
Countryside United #Methodist #Church welcomes first #indigenous #bishop
#methodist #church #indigenous #bishop
This is weird... I know in my Christians days I would have seen these differently, but today this ad campaign seems surreal. Why worry so much about one's emotional connection to a historic figure (even a likable one like #Jesus )? Worth spending $20M? I just don't get it.
Also it's weird that there is a double #Oklahoma connection to these #SuperBowl ads as they are funded by Hobby Lobby and by The Servant Foundation, part of Church of the Servant in #OKC
#jesus #oklahoma #superbowl #okc #methodist
I'm still finding my feet as a returnee blogger, but the habit of posting something by Charles Wesley on a Sunday is properly back as a fixture I think. Today, one of his lesser-known efforts. I think it is rather good https://richardhall.online/hymn-of-the-day-9/
#hymn #Wesley #Methodist
Continuing with this show and tell from my heresy collection, I also think prevenient grace is the only grace we need.
That one's for the #Methodist #TheologyNerd contingent.
Today in #Connecticut History, January 27: His Idea of Closing Churches Didn’t Have a Prayer
Read the Story and Subscribe for Daily Updates
#20thcentury #aaup #academicfreedom #americanassociationofuniversityprofessors #americaneconomicassociation #belief #bluelaws #connecticuthistory #education #emergenceofmodernamerica #freespeech #hartfordcourant #highereducation #january #methodist #middletown
#connecticut #20thcentury #aaup #academicfreedom #americanassociationofuniversityprofessors #americaneconomicassociation #belief #bluelaws #connecticuthistory #education #emergenceofmodernamerica #freespeech #hartfordcourant #highereducation #january #methodist #middletown
#JRRT cites #Blackwood as source and influence. Much of this short, early Blackwood essay (juvenalia) from ‘#Methodist Magazine’ would seem present in ‘The Hobbit’, Jura Mountains recast as the Misty Mountains and #Neuchatel as Rivendell. Expect you can count on 1-finger the authors published in both ‘Methodist Magazine’ and ‘#Occult Review’.
#jrrt #blackwood #methodist #neuchatel #occult #english #literature
John Wesley's Journal dated 27 June, 1769: "By Christian Perfection, I mean, 1. Loving God with all our heart. Do you object to this? I mean, 2. A heart and life all devoted to God. Do you desire less? I mean, 3. Regaining the whole image of God. What objection to this? I mean, 4. Having all the mind that was in Christ. Is this going too far? I mean, 5. Walking uniformly as Christ walked."
#umc #beumc #chrsitian #methodist #pastorsofmastodon
Post-disaster #Introduction:
I am best known for #Scala, #Typelevel, and #http4s. I geek out over #Emacs, #Nix, and the #Indieweb. I'm probably a #Bayesian.
I live in #Indianapolis, #Indiana with a #Dachshund, #Coonhound, #TuxedoCat, and a freshwater #Aquarium or five. I offset my #Jogging with #BBQ. I coach youth #Soccer and attend North United #Methodist Church.
This is a #SelfHosted sequel after a Terraform disaster. Boosts appreciated to relocate my peeps.
#Pronouns are he/him.
#introduction #scala #typelevel #http4s #emacs #nix #indieweb #bayesian #indianapolis #indiana #dachshund #coonhound #tuxedocat #aquarium #jogging #bbq #soccer #methodist #selfhosted #pronouns
Living in a strongly #Methodist area in #Lincolnshire, it is satisfying to see that at #Christmas #TeeTotalism has been practised ...
#methodist #lincolnshire #christmas #teetotalism
I've just bought #DesignJustice "Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need" by @schock https://designjustice.mitpress.mit.edu/
I think there are valuable connections in various threads of my life:
- my work as a #Methodist Minister in #Wythenshawe
- my planning for retirement passion of @SustainableSailing
- my programming side interest with #PrayerOfHannah https://codeberg.org/Dave42W/PrayerOfHannah
Design is everywhere and far too often disconnected from justice by the privileged
#designjustice #methodist #wythenshawe #prayerofhannah
An early peak at a thing I wrote for the #Methodist church's 'There is Room For All of Nature' week this Advent. (I think they'll be sharing it more widely in the next couple of days.
It takes a look at how my church uses our digital channels to share our #EcoChurch journey with church members, our local community and beyond.
#methodist #EcoChurch #thereisroom #digitalengagement