Forté, in a 2021 study measured #clinical #biomarker levels among a #farmworker cohort in Northern #Thailand who use #pesticides. CBC & urine findings were consistent w/exposures to #chlorpyrifos #metal-axyl & #methomyl
1. Stat. signif. AChE decrease w/methomyl exposure
2. Stat. signif. increases in #eosinophil, urine creatinine, & MCV
3. Stat. signif. decreases in #monocytes #RBC & #WBC counts, and serum Ca2+
4. self-rptd 'dizziness' 'tremors'
5. Non-Std. PPE used
#clinical #Biomarker #farmworker #Thailand #pesticides #chlorpyrifos #metal #methomyl #eosinophil #monocytes #rbc #WBC