A week since my last #Svalbard update
and the #seaice extent is still increasing in the area 📈
after several months of really poor sea-ice conditions.
Source: #OSISAF SII-v2.1,
#METNorway #icecharts
#icecharts #metnorway #osisaf #seaice #svalbard
Fra #flymeteorologen på #Svalbard 😍:
"Fantastiske satellittbilder i dag. Det er ikke vanskelig å se havisen (gulaktig på bildet).
Følg med på iskartene fra #METNorway her: https://cryo.met.no/sites/cryo.met.no/files/latest/svalbard_latest.png
Og over Isfjorden: https://cryo.met.no/sites/cryo.met.no/files/latest/isfjorden_latest.png"
#metnorway #svalbard #flymeteorologen
Good to see. #Seaice in the #Svalbard region is now at its largest extent so far this winter.
Source: #OSISAF SII-v2.1,
#METNorway ice charts,
#metnorway #osisaf #svalbard #seaice
Snow condition in #Tromsø can vary a lot in spring, from 0 to 200cm.
The last couple of days have given us a wonderful snowdepth peak and a winter wonderland 💙❄️☃️
Find your local (within Norway) #snowdepth graph at cryo.met.no #METNorway
Sea-ice chart for the #Weddell Sea showing "very open drift ice" along almost the entire eastern coastline.
Source: #METNorway #iceservice
#iceservice #metnorway #weddell