RT @Vies_de_these
C'est une blague @CNRS ??
Exclusion *temporaire* pour ce directeur de recherche qui a attouché et embrassé stagiaires et doctorantes ?
Madame @sretailleau, est-il normal qu'un tel homme soit encore autorisé à encadrer de jeunes chercheuses ?
#MetooAcademia #MetooRecherche https://twitter.com/fxcoudert/status/1646566584641519636
#metooacademia #metoorecherche
RT @Vies_de_these
C'est une blague @CNRS ??
Exclusion *temporaire* pour ce directeur de recherche qui a attouché et embrassé stagiaires et doctorantes ?
Madame @sretailleau, est-il normal qu'un tel homme soit encore autorisé à encadrer de jeunes chercheuses ?
#MetooAcademia #MetooRecherche https://twitter.com/fxcoudert/status/1646566584641519636
#metooacademia #metoorecherche
... C'est à Strasbourg :-(
RT @Vies_de_these
C'est une blague @CNRS ??
Exclusion *temporaire* pour ce directeur de recherche qui a attouché et embrassé stagiaires et doctorantes ?
Madame @sretailleau, est-il normal qu'un tel homme soit encore autorisé à encadrer de jeunes chercheuses ?
#MetooAcademia #MetooRecherche https://twitter.com/fxcoudert/status/1646566584641519636
#MeTooRecherche #metooacademia
Many thanks to those of you who have asked me how to access “A Refuge for Jae-in Doe: Fugues in the Key of English Major.” Below: a link to one version.
To be honest, I’m ambivalent about sharing this link. Recently I learned that workers at the Smithsonian have been subjected to toxic working conditions. When I offered to pull the piece, they graciously refused. I hope they know I’m ready to pull the piece in solidarity.
Many thanks to those of you who have asked me how to access “A Refuge for Jae-in Doe: Fugues in the Key of English Major.” Below: a link to one version.
To be honest, I’m ambivalent about sharing this link. Recently I learned that workers at the Smithsonian have been subjected to toxic working conditions. When I offered to pull the piece, they graciously refused. I hope they know I’m ready to pull the piece in solidarity.
Thank you so much to The Margins and the Asian American Writers’ Workshop for offering a refuge for “I, Discomfort Woman: A Fugue in F Minor.”
This is a poem I should not have had to write.
This is a poem no one else could have written.
This is a poem that needs to exist.
#AAWW #AsianAmerican #AsianAmericanWritersWorkshop #Korea #KoreanAmerican #MeToo #MeTooAcademia #PoetryTuesday #Stanford #TheMargins
#themargins #stanford #poetrytuesday #metooacademia #MeToo #koreanamerican #korea #asianamericanwritersworkshop #asianamerican #aaww
Thank you so much to The Margins and the Asian American Writers’ Workshop for offering a refuge for “I, Discomfort Woman: A Fugue in F Minor.”
This is a poem I should not have had to write.
This is a poem no one else could have written.
This is a poem that needs to exist.
#AAWW #AsianAmerican #AsianAmericanWritersWorkshop #Korea #KoreanAmerican #MeToo #MeTooAcademia #PoetryTuesday #Stanford #TheMargins
#themargins #stanford #poetrytuesday #metooacademia #MeToo #koreanamerican #korea #asianamericanwritersworkshop #asianamerican #aaww
RT @PhilosophyMeToo@twitter.com
how to solve the problems of (analytic and non-analytic) philosophy: start by not sexually assaulting people, harassing or grooming your students, or being generally predatory. #metoo #metooacademia
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PhilosophyMeToo/status/1619067653553008640
I hope the image description works this time.
#Academia #MeToo #MeTooAcademia #RapeCulture #SexualAssault #SexualHarassment #SexualViolence #Stanford
#stanford #sexualviolence #Sexualharassment #sexualassault #rapeculture #metooacademia #MeToo #academia
I hope the image description works this time.
#Academia #MeToo #MeTooAcademia #RapeCulture #SexualAssault #SexualHarassment #SexualViolence #Stanford
#stanford #sexualviolence #Sexualharassment #sexualassault #rapeculture #metooacademia #MeToo #academia
Females employed at 🎓#UoC
organizing a ✊#protest to demand:
Zero tolerance for
❌(sexualized) violence
❌power abuse
✔️Improved systems for prosecuting abuse, harassment, discrimination
✔️transparency in the investigation of abuse, harassment, discrimination cases
at #UoC and #acadamia
More information coming soon!
background: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/bildung/uni-koeln-belaestigungsvorwuerfe-professor-in-unterhosen-a-2bdb1cd7-f9b1-4e97-994f-40f076ee3974 (sorry 🔑)
#uoc #protest #acadamia #Metoo #metooacademia
Hello Mastodon! I was @philosopymetoo on Twitter, mostly known for talking about being sexually harassed in academia and telling academics that sleeping with their students is a bad thing to do. If anyone has any tips on how to navigate this website particularly for advocacy about sexual violence, let me know. #academicchatter #philosophy #philosophytwitter #metoo #metooacademia
#academicchatter #philosophy #philosophytwitter #metoo #metooacademia
RT @Alisonmau
Behind the scenes at one of our major universities. This week, last week. And for decades. #MeTooAcademia #MeTooSTEM https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/300033629/aut-toxic-culture-claims-harassment-ignored-at-university-for-decades