So my poll evened out a bit in the end, which is a relief. But still, a family with a mother and 2 daughters, at least 1 of them is getting flashed by a pervert at some point … still doesn’t make me feel much better #metpolicefail #MetPoliceUK #metpolice
#metpolicefail #MetPoliceUK #metpolice
Thank you to everyone who’s boosted and answered my poll today. It’s running for another 2 days, so if you haven’t yet shared it, and are happy to, please do. You’re all anonymous, so I’ve no idea who is replying or how. Please add your voice if you feel you can.
It’s kind of frightening to see how it’s going … if you’re a father with a wife and two daughters, my poll indicates that 2 of them will be flashed at least once in they’re life.
#metpolice #MetPoliceUK #metpolicefail
Women, have you ever been flashed in public (unwanted)
I’ll start … yes, 3 times
#MetPoliceUK #metpolicefail #metpolice #London
Please share to get a wider response.
#MetPoliceUK #metpolicefail #metpolice #london