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A reference list that may be useful to a very few people:
* Taxonomy of violations of Hermann's Bridge in early epic
* Glossary of technical terms relating to the metre of early epic
#epic #homer #metre #meter #hexameter #classics
#epic #homer #metre #meter #hexameter #classics
Hermann's Bridge is the most fundamental feature of Homeric prosody.
You'll find a short syllable at the start of the line more often than you'll find a violation of Hermann's Bridge.
Reading time: 11 minutes
#Homer #epic #ancientgreek #classics #meter #metre #poetry
#homer #epic #ancientgreek #classics #meter #metre #poetry
In Homer's dactylic hexameter, there are at least 53 lines that don't start with a dactyl (— ⏑⏑) or spondee (— —), but instead with an amphibrach (⏑ — ⏑), tribrach (⏑⏑⏑), or bacchius (⏑ — —).
(Commentators tend to claim that these are actually secretly dactylic anyway.)
Only 12 lines have a major violation of Hermann's Bridge.
Hermann's Bridge is stricter than the principle of starting the line with a long syllable.
#homer #classics #epic #metre #meter #poetry
In Homer's dactylic hexameter, there are at least 48 lines with an amphibrachic first foot.
Only 12 lines have a major violation of Hermann's Bridge.
Hermann's Bridge is stricter than the principle of starting the line with a long syllable.
#homer #classics #epic #metre #meter #poetry
Here are the most serious breaches of Hermann's Bridge in Homer, representing 0.036% of lines.
Other breaches are mitigated by enclitics (13x Il., 12x Od.), a 5-syllable word in the last colon (3x Il, 5x Od.), or a prepositional phrase (1x Il.).
In these,
1. The colon causing the breach is ⏑ — ⏑ in 7 out of 10 cases, — — ⏑ in the other 3.
2. In four, a breach of Varro's Bridge is averted by καί + vowel.
3. One, Od. 12.47, is mitigated by elision.
The more you look into the Homeric hexameter, the more Hermann's Bridge intrudes on absolutely everything.
You want to put ἄειδε after the mid-line caesura for a change? Tough, you're not allowed.
You want to try switching up πλέων ἐπὶ οἴνοπα πόντον with a genitive πλέοντος ἐπ' αἴθοπα πόντον? Nope, not gonna happen.
Oh, so you wanna know why Wernicke's Law is a thing? Take one guess.
#homer #metre #meter #epic #classics
@gee Il y a une version plus longue qui vient d’Arte
#arte #documentaire #vulgarisation #curiosite #mètre #systèmeMétrique #science #méthodeScientifique
#arte #documentaire #vulgarisation #curiosite #metre #systememetrique #science #methodescientifique
[Nouvelle BD] La fabuleuse histoire du mètre
Le système métrique, c'est beau, c'est chouette, mais vous vous êtes peut-être déjà demandé d'où venait le mètre ? Eh bien on va voir ça !
#SystemeMetrique #metre #vulgarisation #humour #bd
New in the Journal of Linguistics:
Metrical Strength in Persian Poetic Metres, by Mohsen Mahdavi Mazdeh