Ah, #Midwest #weather, where in 2 days we can go from a high of nearly 60F to a low of 20F in the same day, followed by a high of just 33F the next day. (For the huge majority of the planet that sanely uses #Celsius, the F in the #temperature means the #US measuring system is F...ed up. We're being punished for our arrogance.)
#Metric #MetricConversion #SI #Science #AmericansWillUseAnythingButMetric #FactsOfLife
#FactsOfLife #americanswilluseanythingbutmetric #science #si #metricconversion #metric #us #temperature #celsius #weather #midwest
"-40°.. Yes, that's cold.. wait is that Celsius or Fahrenheit?"
Once you get to -40°F in the U.S., it is the same as -40°C at which point you are honorary Canadians, but without the "u", so not a real honour.
#MetricConversion #Temperature #WinterWeatherAwareness #Mindfulness #Alberta #Canada​
#Canada #alberta #mindfulness #WinterWeatherAwareness #temperature #metricconversion
"How cold is it?"
You know you've lost them when they suddenly look like they're trying to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit in their head.
#crazycanucks #canadaweather #metricconversion
If you get to -40°F in the U.S., it is the same as -40°C at which point you are honorary Canadians, but without the "u", so not a real honour.
#MetricConversion #Temperature #WinterWeatherAwareness #Mindfulness #Alberta #Canada
#Canada #alberta #mindfulness #WinterWeatherAwareness #temperature #metricconversion
I have been 5'9" for most of my life.
At my last medical appointment, I discovered that I am now 1.5 inches shorter than I was when I was 20. 😬
I am switching to metric. No one understands that anyway.
#Shrinking #Mindfulness #ProTips #AgingProblems #MetricSystem #MetricConversion
#metricconversion #MetricSystem #agingproblems #protips #mindfulness #shrinking