Two new / / area feeds are up!

MIT Police and EMS:
MetroFire Mutual Aid:

MIT Police and EMS is what it says on the tin: MIT Police and EMS dispatch. They're both pretty quiet, only ~400 transmissions since last night and EMS is much more quiet than PD and hasn't been heard for while

MetroFire Mutual Aid has the four non fireground channels on the Cambridge CoMIRS site: Central, North, Red and White. This one is going to be pretty quiet outside of roll calls unless there is need for Mutual Aid. This feed does not include MetroFire Admin.

Unlikely you're going to hear fireground operations as mutual aid companies often operate on the frequency of the town/city they're responding to or one of the simplex VHF/UHF frequencies.

#metroboston #boston #cambridge #Broadcastify

Last updated 2 years ago

S&yO · @SandyO
9 followers · 297 posts · Server

Trains that are being replaced now were bought with agreement to get replacement parts from the original manufacture. Cheaper after market parts could not be used. Maintenance and upgrade of track, signals and communications have been underfunded. Salaries for drivers have not kept up with surrounding systems. MBTA is usually understaffed which means slow service. 2/

#PublicTransport #massachusetts #metroboston

Last updated 2 years ago