It's time for another bonus stream as I return to the Phazon Mines... hopefully with less death!
10am MDT/Noon EDT
#extralife #charity #kidscantwait #changekidshealth #metroidprimeremastered #metroidprime
#extralife #charity #kidscantwait #ChangeKidsHealth #metroidprimeremastered #metroidprime
Et c'est le clap de fin pour notre let's play sur Metroid Prime Remastered !
Une aventure assez courte, mais que j'ai bien aimé vivre, malgré quelques moments de sel
Je vous partage la playlist, n'hésitez pas à aller voir les vidéos et à les liker/partager si vous avez apprécié !
A très vite sur Twitch et Youtube !
#stream #streamer #streaming #twitch #live #livestream #jeuvideo #jeuxvideo #metroid #metroidprimeremastered #fin #letsplay #rediffusion #youtube
#stream #streamer #streaming #twitch #live #livestream #jeuvideo #jeuxvideo #metroid #metroidprimeremastered #fin #letsplay #rediffusion #youtube
On part en stream, grosse journée !
On présente les achats JV de la semaine, et ensuite, c'est la fin de Metroid Prime Remastered ! Ça va être chaud !
Et une fois fini, si on a du temps, ce sera Gimp & Chill !
Je vous retrouve en live dès maintenant sur Twitch !
#stream #streamer #streaming #twitch #live #livestream #jeuvideo #jeuxvideo #presentation #collection #discussion #chill #metroid #metroidprime #metroidprimeremastered #fin #letsplay
#stream #streamer #streaming #twitch #live #livestream #jeuvideo #jeuxvideo #presentation #collection #discussion #Chill #metroid #metroidprime #metroidprimeremastered #fin #letsplay
On Samus ici ? #MetroidPrimeRemastered #NintendoSwitch
#metroidprimeremastered #nintendoswitch
Probably the funniest thing I've ever pulled of, yet.
#MetroidPrimeRemastered #NintendoSwitch
#nintendoswitch #metroidprimeremastered
#DeadSpaceRemake, #ResidentEvil4remake, #TearsoftheKingdom, #Diablo4, #MetroidPrimeRemastered, #StreetFighter6, #Starfield, #FinalFantasy16, #AlanWake2, #STALKER2, #MortalKombat1, #SpaceMarine2, #MarvelsSpiderMan2 … 2023 hat imho das Potential zum besten Spielejahr aller Zeiten!
#deadspaceremake #ResidentEvil4remake #TearsoftheKingdom #Diablo4 #StreetFighter6 #starfield #FinalFantasy16 #AlanWake2 #stalker2 #marvelsspiderman2 #mortalkombat1 #metroidprimeremastered #spacemarine2
do u like Star Wars?
my love for the games keep growing 🎮💪🏼
#STARWARSJediSurvivor #StarWars #may4th #PlayStation #PlayStation5 #ps5 #xbox #XboxSeriesX #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #Switch #Metroid #MetroidDread #MetroidPrimeRemastered #gamer #gameroom #gamingcommunity #gaymer
#starwarsjedisurvivor #starwars #may4th #playstation #playstation5 #ps5 #xbox #xboxseriesx #nintendo #nintendoswitch #switch #metroid #metroiddread #metroidprimeremastered #gamer #gameroom #gamingcommunity #gaymer
@AnalogEggRoll yeah same man. i think #granturismo7, #horizonforbiddenwest and #metroidprimeremastered mostly. you bro?
#granturismo7 #horizonforbiddenwest #metroidprimeremastered
Similar. I've been doing a NG+ of #Witcher3 on #DeathMarch.
I've been avoiding big games this year like #HogwartsLegacy, #JediSurvivor, and #GodOfWarRagnarok (which is on my watch list and keeps getting cheaper), but i did pick up #LilGatorGame (short & cute), #MetroidPrimeRemastered and the #BurningShores DLC. I'm almost finished with the latter's story, and I think I'm most of the way through MP.
I know once #TearsOfTheKingdom is out, everything else is on hold indefinitely.
#tearsofthekingdom #burningshores #metroidprimeremastered #lilgatorgame #GodofWarRagnarok #JediSurvivor #HogwartsLegacy #deathmarch #witcher3
#ResidentEvil4 fue el juego con más ventas en EE. UU. en marzo de 2023 pero #MetroidPrimeRemastered y #NintendoSwitch lograron destacar :3.
#residentevil4 #metroidprimeremastered #nintendoswitch
Mittagspause produktiv genutzt:
Metroid Prime besiegt
#Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #MetroidPrimeRemastered #LehrerLeben #Osterferien
#nintendo #nintendoswitch #metroidprimeremastered #lehrerleben #osterferien
So I finished #MetroidPrimeRemastered yesterday and I have mixed feeling about the game. Up until Research lab I totally digged the game, the exploration, the chillness of it all.
Then Pirates made it much more stressful. Then the colored enemies just made me downright hate the controls. Also the visors...
Switching visors makes you a sitting duck and anything other than normal visor prevents you from seeing true colors on enemies so you don't know which weapon to hit them with.
And then you have the bossfight where you need the alternate visors to see the boss, while the colored enemies attack you in groups. Annoying. The fight would be challenging enough with regular enemies.
#metroidprimeremastered #gaming
RT @ThatBlueKecleon
#MetroidPrimeRemastered #NintendoSwitch
#metroidprimeremastered #NintendoSwitch
Tellement d'amour pour ce jeu ! Il vieillit quasi parfaitement et le remaster est un mètre étalon. #MetroidPrimeRemastered #NintendoSwitch
#metroidprimeremastered #NintendoSwitch
Gestern #MetroidPrimeRemastered beendet. War mein erstes Metroid überhaupt - durchaus unterhaltsam und ich verstehe was viele daran mögen.
Mein Hirn hasst jedoch das Spielprinzip ein bisschen (neues Item -> zum 5. mal Level durchqueren -> neuer Bereich, repeat)😬. #xp
Did this again the other day. 20yrs after the first time. Still one of my all time favs. Wife watched me playing for a bit & said ‘So they make FPS for nerds now?’
#Nintendo #MetroidPrimeRemastered
#metroidprimeremastered #Nintendo
Bin dann mal weg #oldbutgold #metroidprimeremastered
#metroidprimeremastered #oldbutgold
Is seeing a chozo beak in my croissant a sign of having played way too much #MetroidPrimeRemastered ?
New #YouTube Upload!
Metroid Prime Remastered - Part 5 Finale
#MothTuber #ENVTuber #VTuber #Furry #Moth #LGBTQIA #Metroid #MetroidPrime #MetroidPrimeRemastered #NintendoSwitch
#nintendoswitch #metroidprimeremastered #metroidprime #metroid #lgbtqia #moth #furry #vtuber #enVTuber #MothTuber #youtube