Center of the Universe · @cou
131 followers · 511 posts · Server
Waz-ish · @grissallia
676 followers · 1817 posts · Server

Jan 7, 2023 - Day 7 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 9

Game: The Metronomicon: Slay The Dance Floor

Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: Mar 29, 2016
Library Date: Mar 12, 2018
Unplayed: 1762 days (4y9m26d)

It looks like I picked this up in a Fanatical BYOB deal, and added it to my collection. I quite like rhythm games on my mobile.

It then sat there unplayed for almost five years.

It's very colourful, and a little bit cheesy. Almost feels like someone came up with the play on words for Necronomonicon and thought "That should be a game!"

However, trying to set this up to play almost felt like a speedrun of the five stages of grief.

Denial: Why isn't this working with a controller?

Anger: Who puts a game like this out for it not to work with a controller??

Bargaining: OK, I'll turn off Steam's controller management and set it up in game, like the steam discussion says.

Depression: This is terrible to play with a controller.

Acceptance: I'll use the keyboard.

Once I used the keyboard, things made a lot more sense.

It's definitely "I'd need to be in the mood" game, but it scratches an itch nothing else in my Steam library does.

The Metronomicon: Slay The Dance Floor gets a rating of:

3: OK

#metronomicon #gaming #project365ong #project365

Last updated 2 years ago

ElnNagg · @ElnNagg
3 followers · 44 posts · Server

A cute spidercat from the Metronomicon universe.
Today white suit))
Posts about these creatures on the website

#everydaysketch #1page1day #study #sketch #elnnagg #metronomicon

Last updated 2 years ago

Center of the Universe · @cou
83 followers · 47 posts · Server