#nyc #nyctransit #lirr #metronorth OK, because of COVID I'm a month behind. One of the metrics I use to judge a city is how easy it easy to get from an airport to center city. European cities pass, many American cities pass - except for NYC. Flying back from SFO after Up Your Alley I found my driver unable to make connection. So, took AirTran to Jamaica LIRR station, Jamaica LIRR to Grand Central and then home. First time I've ever been able to do this. Perfect? No. But better.
#nyc #nyctransit #lirr #metronorth
Sonnenuntergang am #HudsonRiver - ein solcher Tag ist nach dem Trubel in New York wirklich aufbauend #MetroNorth
Zum Züge beobachten gibt es jede Menge Gelegenheiten #MetroNorth #Amtrak #CSX #Hudson
#hudson #CSX #amtrak #metronorth
Ankunft in #ColdSpring in den #Hudson Mountains #MetroNorth
#metronorth #hudson #coldspring
Auf der anderen Seite des "Amerikanischen Rheins" fährt ein Güterzug von #CSX. Aber deutlich langsamer - die Lok wird eingeholt #MetroNorth #Hudson
#curvetoot #Kurventweet #MetroNorth - jetzt nördlich von Croton-Harmon im Dieselbereich
#metronorth #Kurventweet #curvetoot
Über viele Kilometer hat man freien Blick auf den breiten #Hudson, kein Baum behindert die Sicht. Höchstens Mal ein Bahnsteig oder Gegenzug oder ein Zweiwegefahrzeug. #MetroNorth
Die Hudson-Strecke ist zu Beginn viergleisig und versprüht einen historischen Charme mit den alten Masten, der alten Stromschiene und verrosteten Brücken. Alte Backsteinfabriken als Zeugen des Industriezeitalters. #MetroNorth #Hudson
Die Fahrt geht am Harlem River entlang mit einer Reihe interessanter Brücken #MetroNorth #Hudson
Zum Einsteigen in den Zug verlässt man dann den Hochglanzbereich. #GrandCentral #MetroNorth Die Züge sind fürs Sitzen ausgelegt - man möchte den Pendlern kein Stehen zumuten. In der Rush Hour fahren natürlich auch hier jede Menge Extra-Züge mit komplizierten Express-Schemen.
Vor dem Einstieg bei #MetroNorth müssen natürlich noch die obligatorischen Fotos vom #GrandCentral Terminal gemacht werden. Wenn man sich hier umschaut, werden bestimmt 500 Fotos pro Minute von der Halle gemacht.
#LGBTQ Affinity Group Lunch Meetup
Thursday August 3 from 11AM-noon. You can stay later if you hit it off with someone!
Daily Fare 12 Durant Ave. AT the Bethel, CT Train Station
Daily Fare offers vegan, gluten free, and nut free baked goods & Cornish pasties!
Indoors or there's a shady walking trail!
wheelchair accessible venue. Accessible by HARTTransit Bus (Bishop Curtis stop https://www.hartransit.com/routes/citybus/5-route ) or by the #MetroNorth train from NYC. https://new.mta.info/schedules
#lgbtq #metronorth #queer #trans #trains
@capntransit @joelepstein Like those shelters on the #LIRR or #MetroNorth where you are shielded from the wind and rain and might even have a button to turn on the heat or a place to charge your phone.
Time to leave and head back to the city !
#metronorth #berkshires #upstateny #upstatenewyork
#upstatenewyork #upstateny #berkshires #metronorth
At #Danbury 🇺🇸 next to the #MetroNorth train station we find the lovely Danbury Railway Museum and their wonderful staff. EMD #FL9 electro-diesel #2006 is among the stars of their collection. Its 1950s #NewHaven #McGinnis design was created by Swiss-born artist Herbert Matter.
#danbury #metronorth #fl9 #newhaven #mcginnis
New York’s 🇺🇸 Grand Central Terminal is one of the world’s great railway stations, and one of the busiest. And it’s probably the world’s most visited by tourists.
#MTA #MetroNorth services leave from here. I am going to travel on one of their trains on the New Haven line.
The #MTA is off twitter!
I hope they come here. #nyc #transit #metronorth #lirr
#mta #nyc #transit #metronorth #lirr
4 tutoring sessions.
17 miles on the 🚴🏽♂️.
What a day! (Would've done a lot more cycling if #MTA #MetroNorth didn't run a goddamned hourly schedule after 8:30pm!)
@sandypsj @johnmorzen Well thanks. You've reminded me that I want to go there. I'd #bike from the #Beacon #MetroNorth Station to the trailhead and then hike the rest of the way to the top.
What I love about commuter lines is that in off-peak they just turn into a convenience for people who want to take day trips to the city.
Hence today's unplanned hop to NYC!
#publictransit #trains #metronorth