Leo Febey 🐀 · @leofebey
138 followers · 694 posts · Server aus.social

Turns out it was due to the recent bus driver shortage issue plaguing Tas and apparently the whole country?
My mate Shane says it's possibly a scheduling issue, the schedule system not being flexible enough for drivers who just can't work afternoons for example. Maybe they need a new system?
But it's a problem, hopefully the cause is understood and the solution can be found.

#metrotas #busdrivershortage #busshortage

Last updated 2 years ago

Scott Plimpton · @lowroader
219 followers · 204 posts · Server aus.social

Tasmania: "hold my beer". The State's PT Greencard ticketing system here is abysmal and makes Myki look like London's workd class Oyster system

Critics of ‘hostile’ Myki say Melbourne doesn’t need a world-beating system – just one that works

Tap-and-pay card outdated compared with more innovative transport systems that integrate credit cards and smartphones


#publictransport #tasmania #lutruwita #politas #metrotas

Last updated 2 years ago