😁 kuvissa on tosiaan lukuisia kehoja! yksikään niistä ei päätynyt ruumiiksi vaan hätistelin pois. #metta 😁
In this video Shayla Ortell, a psychotherapist and meditator, explains how she was introduced to kindness contemplations, how they have influenced her, and practical ways kindness practice can transform tasks of daily living. She also guides us in a practice too center, regain equanimity, and expand kindness to include yourself, your community, and everyone everywhere.
#metta #kindness #compassion #meditation #contemplation #buddhism #psychology #equanimity #religion
#metta #kindness #compassion #meditation #contemplation #buddhism #psychology #equanimity #religion
I'm reminded that as a longtime, intensive #Buddhist practitioner, it has impressed me how much good it does me to wish others well.
#Metta ("loving-kindness") #meditation:
May you be well.
May you be happy.
May you be free from distress.
I wrote this before joining Mastodon. It is about the funeral of my dearest cat Willow. Pretty Impala was talking about getting a cat and I impressed upon her the responsibilities it entails. Then I told her about Willow's funeral and sent her the poem:
#poetry #Buddhism #funeral #euthanasia #death #cat #daddysgirl #ZenBuddhism #Zen #KwanSeUmBosal #JiJangBosal #SogamuniBul #MettaSutta #Metta
#poetry #buddhism #funeral #euthanasia #death #cat #daddysgirl #zenbuddhism #zen #kwanseumbosal #jijangbosal #sogamunibul #mettasutta #metta
“We rise by lifting others.”
~ Robert Ingersoll
#mindfulness #kindness #compassion #composure #LovingKindness #Metta #dhamma #humanity #buddhism
#mindfulness #kindness #compassion #composure #lovingkindness #metta #dhamma #humanity #buddhism
“Aware of the suffering caused by the destruction of life, I am committed to cultivating the insight of interbeing and compassion, and learning ways to protect the lives of people, animals, plants, and minerals. I’m determined not to kill, not to let others kill, and not to support any act of killing in the world, in my thinking, or in my way of life.
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
#compassion #love #ThichNhatHanh #vegan #HumanPrivilege #buddhism #mindfulness #kindness #Metta #dhamma
#compassion #love #thichnhathanh #vegan #humanprivilege #buddhism #mindfulness #kindness #metta #dhamma
I just love this, every time i see it.
"Redneck's valuable life lesson" with the two lighters
#DhammaIsWhereYouFindIt #Dhamma #Dharma #Buddhism #Kindness #Metta
#metta #kindness #buddhism #dharma #dhamma #dhammaiswhereyoufindit
Cards on the table—mettā cards v1.0 prototype 🎉
In the ancient traditions, the mettā bhavana was used as a vehicle for self-knowledge by directing contemplatives with a simple self-evident statement or kōan. These mettā cards extend traditional wisdom with contemporary ideas from and across cultures, current conversations, and some useful mental models.
We live in a rancorous world and I'm not saying we're living in the Age of Aquarius, but... instead of waiting for external circumstances to align with your/our values and beliefs, consider radiating your/our values and beliefs outward.
May you be peaceful
May you be free
May you be resilient
May you be at ease in your life
May you be happy
#metta #lovingkindness #practicalresistence
We live in a perpetually burning building, and what we must save from it, all the time, is love.
-- Tennessee Williams
#dhammaiswhereyoufindit #metta
#Metta - Fueling positive or #goodwill I wouldn’t react unskillfully. For example, if I barbecue my chicken with very high heat (charcoal) it burns my chicken real fast. So, if I spray a little water on the charcoal to lower the heat the chicken should be well cook and have crispy skin. Metta (goodwill) is like the water that lowers the heat.
#Mindfulness and #Metta #reflection
Today I vented my frustration on my junior co-worker. I guess I have been fueling deep resentment on him for sometime and yesterday it trigger me to react unskillfully. This could have been prevented if I practice metta, reflect on my bias views on the him, and letting go of my ego.
#dharma #buddhism #ego #anger
#anger #ego #buddhism #dharma #reflection #metta #mindfulness
Le Mettasutta est un texte bouddhiste qui présente les enseignements du Bouddha sur la pratique de la bienveillance, également appelée "metta" en pali, qui signifie "amour bienveillant" ou "compassion".
#dhamma #bouddhisme #bouddhismeancien #bouddha #metta #bienveillance #sutta #suttacentral
#SuttaCentral #sutta #bienveillance #metta #bouddha #bouddhismeancien #bouddhisme #dhamma
A Buddhist Teacher reflection on the journey with her daughter. A loving parents journey.
We Have a Daughter!
On Vesak Day, 26th May 2021, our family officially welcomed our daughter, Chai Leng, into our family. Actually, all these years, some 5 years now, despite our initial (mostly psycholo- gical) difficulties, we have always accepted her. She said that she was 12 when she first felt she was mentally a woman although physically a man.
@RichPuchalsky would it be useful to characterize that 'intertextual'(?) fictional strategy as *practicing empathy toward himself*? (reminds me of #metta / #LovingKindness meditation)
i think i did overstress the intrusive/aggressive side yesterday; the 'problem' those Exegesis chunks seem to me to pose is, how can i or anyone live w/this trouble? how do people like my crew (powers/jeter/PKD) handle such intrusions/uncertainty? are we handling it? who'll make it out?