#Mettwurst aus #Wildschwein und #Hirsch
#Wochenende, du hast verloren
Kommt gut rein und habt ein #schönesWochenende
#mettwurst #wildschwein #hirsch #chiligouda #esrom #tortelloni #wochenende #schoneswochenende #wirsindmehr #fickdichafd
Oh look, another #introduction post from me. It's my fourth, and I still don't know what to put in it. I've been cluttering up the fediverse since October 2022.
Anyway. I was a public servant in Canberra for years and years, and now I'm not a public servant and I'm back in Adelaide where I just sort of droop about looking at things and catching buses and putting the bins out on Monday morning. A sense of purpose eludes me, but as time goes on it seems less and less important. Despite being 'retired' I'm only 52, so I'm a bit of an anomaly.
I maintain an interest in the various policy areas I worked in, but I won't go on about those things at length. I'm also politically active (on the left of course), but this won't be a political account. This will be where I let my mind wander about frivolously, or maybe just dopily, with the odd bit of seriousness.
Random interests: #history #geology #archaeology #lunch #ecology #naps #mettwurst
#Introduction #History #geology #archaeology #lunch #ecology #naps #mettwurst
Nach dem #Backtag der #Wursttag. Heute habe ich mal wieder #Kochwurst fabriziert: Chili-Zwiebel-Mettwurst.
Schön gutes #Fleisch vom Metzger meines Vertrauens selbst gewolft, gewürzt und abgefüllt. Zwei Stunden #Einkochen ist Pflicht - besser ist das.
Bis die acht Gläser leer sind, wird es eine Weile dauern.
Morgen früh wird mit dem selbstgebackenen #Sauerteig -Brot vom Wochenende verkostet. 😋
#mettwurst #zwiebel #chili
#backtag #wursttag #kochwurst #fleisch #einkochen #sauerteig #mettwurst #zwiebel #chili
Hello everyone, this is the fresh #introduction I said I'd post once I'd had a good lie down after moving instances.
I'm in #Adelaide again since 2016, back where it all started, after about 17 years in #Canberra. You can tell from this that I was a Commonwealth public servant. I did lots of things during my career, mostly too dull to talk about, and a few that were utterly fascinating. I'm not allowed to talk about most of them. I am now technically retired (very early) because of Various Reasons which I won't go into, but some of it was political in origin. I was politically neutral until experience turned me into a leftie.
This is not an overtly political account. I leave most of my politics offline, where it can do some actual good and won't clog up your feeds.
I post about whatever floats to the top of my mind, so the quality is variable. I favour words over pictures in my posts. Sorry about that.
I am fond of #history, #archaeology and #ecology. Also #mettwurst and #inertia.
#introduction #adelaide #canberra #history #archaeology #ecology #mettwurst #inertia
Wir hatten heute #Grünkohl mit #Kartoffeln und #Mettwurst zum #Mittagessen.
#grunkohl #kartoffeln #mettwurst #mittagessen #winter #essen
Apparently I need to post hashtags about things that interest me to attract the likeminded, like a seagull buying $2 worth of chips as a lure to others. So here goes.
I am interested in, but might or might not actually post about:
#history #archaeology #architecture #plants #marsupials #lizards #birds #ecology #pottering_about_aimlessly #gardening #food #adelaide #canberra #books #cathedrals (though an atheist), #madagascar (the real place, not the cartoons etc), #estonia #balticstates #mettwurst
And I'm sure there's more but I'm eating and would rather not multitask even though I can, honest.
#history #archaeology #architecture #plants #marsupials #lizards #birds #ecology #pottering_about_aimlessly #gardening #food #adelaide #canberra #books #cathedrals #madagascar #estonia #BalticStates #mettwurst