SystemCleric · @JoBil
9 followers · 87 posts · Server

@thepauker Was für Dienste nutzt du denn auf deinem Server?

Bei mir für die Schule:

#trilium #metube #podgrab #jellyfin #nextcloud

Last updated 2 years ago

teamtuck · @teamtuck
46 followers · 696 posts · Server

Update on my project: 967 songs I've downloaded from YouTube in a single playlist, being shuffled and playing without a hitch. I can stream on my LAN via VLC app and it works fairly well (the app crashed on me once). Not sure what I'll do with it next.

The cool thing is that I use to download YT vids to MP3 and it has an extension for . I can download a video and it will automatically be in my playlist rotation automatically.

#firefox #metube #AzuraCast

Last updated 2 years ago