Happy #FirstContactDay to Trek fans, especially the #AllStarTrek and #MeTVStarTrek crews! 2063 can't get here soon enough.
In the meantime, my latest for Redshirts Always Die celebrates the '96 film's best visual effects -
#firstcontactday #allstartrek #metvstartrek
Why the Space Shuttle Challenger, lost with her crew 37 years ago today, matters to #StarTrek - https://redshirtsalwaysdie.com/2022/01/28/space-shuttle-challenger-matters-star-trek/
#startrek #challenger #allstartrek #metvstartrek
Any #StarTrek fans wondering, "What's the best Trek to watch on #Epiphany?" Look no futher than the franchise's first big screen adventure!
#startrek #epiphany #allstartrek #metvstartrek
RT @hcmv007@twitter.com
The final #MeTVBatman ends on a cliffhanger that won't be concluded! Unless you have the DVD or BluRay! Now onto #MeTVStarTrek
A bright new light in the sky leads travelers who study the stars to witness the birth of a baby who could change the future of humanity. #STTMP is my favorite #ChristmasMovie (well, Epiphany, at any rate!) Happy holidays all! #AllStarTrek #MeTVStarTrek #StarTrek
#sttmp #christmasmovie #allstartrek #metvstartrek #startrek
What #StarTrek #TNG episodes would you nominate as #Christmas episodes? Check out my choices at RedshirtsAlwaysDie - https://redshirtsalwaysdie.com/2022/12/21/3-christmas-episodes-star-trek-next-generation-watch/ #AllStarTrek #MeTVStarTrek
#startrek #tng #christmas #allstartrek #metvstartrek
These were my nominations last year for #Christmas episodes from #StarTrek - what are yours? https://redshirtsalwaysdie.com/2021/12/21/star-trek-christmas-episodes-3-fascinating-possibilities/ #AllStarTrek #MeTVStarTrek
#christmas #startrek #allstartrek #metvstartrek
These were my nominations last year for #Christmas episodes from #StarTrek - what are yours? https://redshirtsalwaysdie.com/2021/12/21/star-trek-christmas-episodes-3-fascinating-possibilities/ #AllStarTrek #MeTVStarTrek
#christmas #startrek #allstartrek #metvstartrek
This is such an exciting episode and I never tire of watching it. So well written and acted . It's another layer to Spock's character and world . #MetvStarTrek #1960s #JourneytoBabel #Sarek #MrSpock
#metvstartrek #1960s #journeytobabel #sarek #mrspock
"Threats are illogical and payment is usually expensive."- Ambassador Sarek #MetvStarTrek #1960s #JourneytoBabel #Sarek
#metvstartrek #1960s #journeytobabel #sarek
Saturday Nights on Metv is like visiting old friends . Next up , a visit with the crew of the starship Enterprise and a classic Star trek episode - Journey to Babel . #MetvStarTrek #1960s #MrSpock #Journeytobabel #DCFontana
#metvstartrek #1960s #mrspock #journeytobabel #dcfontana