The sky, I'd been told
Would roll up like a scroll
As the mountains and islands moved from their place
And the sun would turn black
As a dead raven's back
@flockofnazguls My #GreatAlbumRuns entries, continued:
#AFI - Answer That and Stay Fashionable, Very Proud of Ya, Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes, Black Sails in the Sunset, The Art of Drowning
#AliceInChains - Facelift, Dirt, Alice in Chains
#EmmaRuthRundle - Some Heavy Ocean, Marked for Death, On Dark Horses
#Fugazi - (entire discography)
#mewithoutYou - A to B Life, Catch for Us the Foxes, Brother Sister
#PearlJam - Ten, Vs., Vitalogy
#SigurRos - Von, Ágætis Byrjun, ( )
#aliceinchains #SigurRos #pearljam #mewithoutyou #fugazi #EmmaRuthRundle #afi #greatalbumruns
Gestern wurde ich als als einer von zwei neuen KGR in #Scharnhausen nach unserer Nachwahl offiziell eingesetzt. Als Bibelwort zur Einsetzung wurde uns Johannes 15,5 zugesprochen: "Ich bin der Weinstock, ihr seid die Reben. Wer in mir bleibt und ich in ihm, der bringt viel Frucht; denn ohne mich könnt ihr nichts tun."
Werde unserem Pfarrer bald bald erzählen dass das der Vers ist nachdem sich eine meiner absoluten Lieblingsbands, #mewithoutyou, benannt hat.
@buffyleigh Can relate reg #mewithoutyou I'm their age & been decomposting alongside their expositions. Saw their Australian tour a few years back & it still fuels me - their sacrilegiousness is my daily mantra :black_sparkling_heart:
@buffyleigh setting aside #mewithoutYou as they are my favorite as well (plenty of awesome show stories there like potlucks with the band before shows etc), I'd say Botch.
I was deep on hardcore when I first heard them, but something about their use of funky time signatures drove me nuts.
After hearing Japam and their take on O' Fortuna I got totally swept by them.
It's strange to me they've been broken up for 20 years and are back together for a reunion tour this year—just one year after mwY ends their 20ish year run.
Band for me was #mewithoutYou (RIP), whose roots were in the Xian hardcore scene. They played at a local church used as a venue for Xian punk/ska/underground shows (this was 2001/02). I was staunchly Xian at the time + had lived a VERY sheltered childhood. I thought the singer climbing/rolling all over the pews, screaming into a hymnal was nothing short of sacrilegious. I also thought it was gross that the drummer's hands were bleeding from playing so hard. In retrospect, best show ever. #music
#7AlbumsToKnowMe (well, 12, because the full list is more like 60 and 7 is impossible), in autobiographical order
1. #FiveIronFrenzy - Upbeats And Beatdowns
2. #mewithoutYou - [A→B] Life
3. #AFI - Black Sails In The Sunset
4. #SigurRós - Von
5. #Björk - Medúlla
6. #PhilipGlass - Satyagraha
7. #PearlJam - MTV Unplugged
8. #DavidBowie - ★
9. #NickCave & The Bad Seeds - Push The Sky Away
10. #MikkoJoensuu - Amen 3
11. #JóhannJóhannsson - IBM 1401, A User's Manual
12. #YOB - Our Raw Heart
#7albumstoknowme #fiveironfrenzy #mewithoutyou #afi #sigurros #bjork #philipglass #PearlJam #davidbowie #nickcave #mikkojoensuu #johannjohannsson #yob
Another hashtags as #introduction dump just for my fave bands, because I'm obsessed with music. Not really obvious from list below, but I gravitate to #extrememetal or at least metal-adjacent stuff.
My top 15 bands/musicians/composers: #YOB (#MikeScheidt) #mewithoutYou #AliceInChains #TheAppleseedCast #EmmaRuthRundle #RonnieJamesDio #Björk #LinguaIgnota (#KristinHayter) #AnnaVonHausswolff #JóhannJóhannsson #PhilipGlass #DavidBowie #SigurRós #ElliottSmith #JoyDivision
#introduction #extrememetal #yob #mikescheidt #mewithoutyou #aliceinchains #theappleseedcast #emmaruthrundle #ronniejamesdio #bjork #LinguaIgnota #kristinhayter #annavonhausswolff #johannjohannsson #philipglass #davidbowie #sigurros #elliottsmith #joydivision
#7AlbumsToKnowMe (well, 12, because the full list is more like 60 and 7 is impossible), in autobiographical order
1. #FiveIronFrenzy - Upbeats And Beatdowns
2. #mewithoutYou - [A→B] Life
3. #AFI - Black Sails In The Sunset
4. #SigurRós - Von
5. #Björk - Medúlla
6. #PhilipGlass - Satyagraha
7. #PearlJam - MTV Unplugged
8. #DavidBowie - ★
9. #NickCave & The Bad Seeds - Push The Sky Away
10. #MikkoJoensuu - Amen 3
11. #JóhannJóhannsson - IBM 1401, A User's Manual
12. #YOB - Our Raw Heart
#7albumstoknowme #fiveironfrenzy #mewithoutyou #AFI #sigurros #bjork #philipglass #pearljam #davidbowie #NickCave #mikkojoensuu #johannjohannsson #yob
Another hashtags as #introduction dump just for my fave bands, because I'm obsessed with music. Not really obvious from list below, but I gravitate to #extrememetal or at least metal-adjacent stuff.
My top 15 bands/musicians/composers: #YOB (#MikeScheidt) #mewithoutYou #AliceInChains #TheAppleseedCast #EmmaRuthRundle #RonnieJamesDio #Björk #LinguaIgnota (#KristinHayter) #AnnaVonHausswolff #JóhannJóhannsson #PhilipGlass #DavidBowie #SigurRós #ElliottSmith #JoyDivision
#Introduction #extrememetal #yob #mikescheidt #mewithoutyou #aliceinchains #theappleseedcast #emmaruthrundle #ronniejamesdio #bjork #LinguaIgnota #kristinhayter #annavonhausswolff #johannjohannsson #philipglass #davidbowie #sigurros #elliottsmith #joydivision
#7AlbumsToKnowMe (well, 12, because the full list is more like 60 and 7 is impossible), in autobiographical order
1. #FiveIronFrenzy - Upbeats And Beatdowns
2. #mewithoutYou - [A→B] Life
3. #AFI - Black Sails In The Sunset
4. #SigurRós - Von
5. #Björk - Medúlla
6. #PhilipGlass - Satyagraha
7. #PearlJam - MTV Unplugged
8. #DavidBowie - ★
9. #NickCave & The Bad Seeds - Push The Sky Away
10. #MikkoJoensuu - Amen 3
11. #JóhannJóhannsson - IBM 1401, A User's Manual
12. #YOB - Our Raw Heart
#yob #johannjohannsson #mikkojoensuu #nickcave #davidbowie #pearljam #philipglass #bjork #SigurRos #afi #mewithoutyou #fiveironfrenzy #7albumstoknowme
Another hashtags as #introduction dump just for my fave bands, because I'm obsessed with music. Not really obvious from list below, but I gravitate to #extrememetal or at least metal-adjacent stuff.
My top 15 bands/musicians/composers: #YOB (#MikeScheidt) #mewithoutYou #AliceInChains #TheAppleseedCast #EmmaRuthRundle #RonnieJamesDio #Björk #LinguaIgnota (#KristinHayter) #AnnaVonHausswolff #JóhannJóhannsson #PhilipGlass #DavidBowie #SigurRós #ElliottSmith #JoyDivision
#joydivision #elliottsmith #SigurRos #davidbowie #philipglass #johannjohannsson #annavonhausswolff #kristinhayter #LinguaIgnota #bjork #ronniejamesdio #EmmaRuthRundle #theappleseedcast #aliceinchains #mewithoutyou #mikescheidt #yob #extrememetal #introduction
Dirty Air, A Playlist
#mewithoutYou, Dirty Air
#7AlbumsToKnowMe (well, 12, because the full list is more like 60 and 7 is impossible), in autobiographical order
1. #FiveIronFrenzy - Upbeats And Beatdowns
2. #mewithoutYou - [A→B] Life
3. #AFI - Black Sails In The Sunset
4. #SigurRós - Von
5. #Björk - Medúlla
6. #PhilipGlass - Satyagraha
7. #PearlJam - MTV Unplugged
8. #DavidBowie - ★
9. #NickCave & The Bad Seeds - Push The Sky Away
10. #MikkoJoensuu - Amen 3
11. #JóhannJóhannsson - IBM 1401, A User's Manual
12. #YOB - Our Raw Heart
#7albumstoknowme #fiveironfrenzy #mewithoutyou #afi #sigurros #bjork #philipglass #pearljam #davidbowie #mikkojoensuu #johannjohannsson #yob #nickcave
#7BandsToKnowMe / #7AlbumsToKnowMe are hard because I they change like, every year. My answers now are *vastly* different than even 5 years ago. Here’s what they are atm. Just gonna combine them since there’s so much overlap.
#SilversunPickups - Widow’s Weeds
#ZealAndArdor - Zeal and Ardor
#AesopRock - Skelethon
#MeWithoutYou - Brother, Sister (or maybe [Untitled]
#Dessa - A Badly Broken Code
#AnimalsAsLeaders - Parrhesia (or maybe Joy of Motion)
#Deftones - Diamond Eyes
#7bandstoknowme #7albumstoknowme #silversunpickups #zealandardor #aesoprock #mewithoutyou #dessa #animalsasleaders #deftones
I don't know how to explain why this is the most magical moment in all of live music history for me.
At least not in a way that will make sense to more than like three people here.
So I'm just gonna post it.
mewithoutYou - Memphis Of Men (Feat. Josh Scogin), Nashville TN 2022-06-19
#JoshScogin #NormaJean #TheChariot #68
#PostHardcore #Metal
#Metal #posthardcore #thechariot #normajean #joshscogin #mewithoutyou
@DXMacGuffin Band was #mewithoutYou (RIP), roots were in the Xian hardcore scene. They played at a local church used as a venue for Xian punk/ska/underground shows (this was 2001/02). I was staunchly Xian at the time + had lived a VERY sheltered childhood. I thought the singer climbing/rolling all over the pews, screaming into a hymnal was nothing short of sacrilegious. I also thought it was gross that the drummer's hands were bleeding from playing so hard. In retrospect, best show ever.
In case you’re wondering what my #handle means, it’s a #mewithoutYou song! My favourite band. This song encapsulates everything mwY do so well - build up tension & release, phenomenal storytelling from Aaron Weiss, and unmatched hypnotic music.
Testing how sharing Apple Music looks on here. The first time I ever heard this song is literally the last time it will ever be played, at #mewithoutYou’s final show. Clearly I’m here for the Aaron Weiss, not the #NormaJean.
#spotifywrapped is out and, once again, I'm reminded I have a #mewithoutyou addiction.