Montag hatten wir die urbanen #Seilbahnen erst in der Vorlesung „Verkehr & Nachhaltigkeit“ - gerade Foto in GEOSaison 5/2023 entdeckt: Seilbahn im Stadtteil #Iztapalapa von #Mexcio-City - Überfliegen von Wohnhäusern dort kein Thema, stattdessen Freude über Verkehrsverbesserung
#seilbahnen #iztapalapa #mexcio
Governor Abbott is stopping trucks from NEW Mexico. El Paso TX has 3 international ports of entry - where trucks face long lines, delays, and Abbott inspections. Trucks crossing at Santa Teresa New Mexico (10 miles west) are being stopped and inspected by DPS when they enter Texas. This is causing long lines and traffic blockages in El Paso suburbs.
#Texas #NewMexico #ElPaso #Mexcio
#mexcio #elpaso #newmexico #texas
Governor Abbott is stopping trucks from NEW Mexico. El Paso TX has 3 international ports of entry - where trucks face long lines, delays, and Abbott inspections. Trucks crossing from Mexico at Santa Teresa New Mexico (10 miles west) are being stopped and inspected by DPS when they enter Texas. This is causing long lines and traffic blockages in El Paso suburbs. Screenshots from NextDoor.
#Texas #NewMexico #ElPaso #Mexcio
#mexcio #elpaso #newmexico #texas