Retratos de #Tenochtitlan por el artista Thomas Kole. 1 año y medio de trabajo y de investigación, cuando pudiera haber utilizado IAs generativas para sacar estás vistas excepcionales. Nos habíamos quedado con el trabajo referente de Thomas Filsinger hace un poco más de una de década. Esto lo supera.
> Reconstrucción 3D de la capital #mexica
#tenochtitlan #mexica #arqueologiamexicana #arqueologiacomputacional
Finished my longest water fast yet - due to bad math I thought it was going to be 36 hours, but turned out to be 40.
Vivid dreams returned last night and ketp flu hit bad this morning, so I ended the fast with gentle protein. Was spiritually rewarding, fruitful, and challenging.
Yesterday the month of Toxcatl ended, and the confessionary is closed again for another year, which was the occasion for the fast.
#pagan #polytheist #mexicayotl #Aztec #Mexica #contemplation #monasticism
#monasticism #contemplation #mexica #aztec #mexicayotl #polytheist #pagan
While the #Mexica didn't have specific words for trans people, they did have words for people who transgressed gender norms.
Xochihuah: "flower-bearer", for both sexes.
Patlache: the precise meaning is uncertain, but encompasses a complex of intersexuality, trans masculinity, and female queerness.
Cuiloni: from cui, "to take". Likely referred to passive/receptive male partners in homosexual encounters.
Nowadays, these words have been reclaimed! #Pride #TransRights #chicano #xicano #Nahuatl
#nahuatl #xicano #chicano #transrights #pride #mexica
Opening up a #Redbubble soon 👀
#xicano #chicano #mesoamerica #indigenous #antifa #mexica #redbubble
Once in a while, as good Mexicans, we like to build temples 😂 #Mexica #boardgame
Finished reading “Fifth Sun: A New History of the Aztecs”, by Camila Townsend.
As most histories of the Aztec, this book pivots around the Spanish Conquest. However, it is notable in that the main characters are not the Spaniards, but Mexica and Nahum —both men and women.
Also, notably, the history doesn’t end in 1521, with the fall of Tenochtitlan. It continues for a least a century.
#books #mexica #history #mexico
Finally uploaded a partial reading list for Teochan!
#chicano #ChicanoStudies #ChicanoSpirituality #Indigenous #mexica #religion #spirituality #polytheism #mexicayotl #huehuemexicayotl
#huehuemexicayotl #mexicayotl #polytheism #spirituality #religion #mexica #indigenous #chicanospirituality #chicanostudies #chicano
The conversations here around the risks of storing information and community knowledge on for-profit social media platforms that were never designed to be such had me thinking about what more I can do to safeguard the knowledge my tiny online #mexicayotl community has put together.
So I made a wiki:
#pagan #polytheism #chicano #Chicanospirituality #huehuemexicayotl #MexicanAmerican #nahuatl #Mexica #Indigenous
#indigenous #mexica #nahuatl #mexicanamerican #huehuemexicayotl #chicanospirituality #chicano #polytheism #pagan #mexicayotl
No se grabó ni transmitió la conferencia magistral que impartió la arqueóloga Lorena Vázquez, integrante del Programa de Arqueología Urbana, para la comunidad de la Universidad de Monterrey.
Por lo mismo, hacemos de su conocimiento la nota que se publicó en el sitio de la UDEM:
#archaeodons #cdmx #mexica #templomayor #religion #aztecas
#indigenous #indigenouspeople #sociology #sociologicaltheory #sociodon #bioethics #health #publichealth #language #philosophy #scholars #academicresearch #academia #Aztec #maya #mexica #IndigenousPhilosophy #choctaw #aymara
#indigenous #indigenouspeople #sociology #sociologicaltheory #sociodon #bioethics #health #publichealth #language #philosophy #scholars #academicresearch #academia #Aztec #maya #mexica #IndigenousPhilosophy #choctaw #aymara
Today's the winter solstice, so .... Happy birthday, Huitzilopochtli! Ma panquetz! (#Nahuatl for “let the banners wave”).
For the #Aztec and #Mexica people, the winter solstice was the birthday of Huitzilopochtli, patron god of the #Mexica, lord of the sun and of combat. The day fell at the end of the 15th 20-day month, Panquetzaliztli, meaning "lifting of banners.”
It was a time of great celebration throughout #Mesoamerica.
Read my Medium article to learn more!
#mesoamerica #mexica #aztec #nahuatl
Today's the #wintersolstice, so .... Happy birthday, Huitzilopochtli! Ma panquetz! (#Nahuatl for “let the banners wave”).
For the #Nahua (#Aztec) people, the winter solstice was the birthday of Huitzilopochtli, patron god of the #Mexica, lord of the sun and of combat. The day fell at the end of the 15th 20-day month, Panquetzaliztli, meaning "lifting of banners.”
It was a time of great celebration throughout #Mesoamerica.
Read my Medium article to learn more!
#wintersolstice #nahua #mesoamerica #mexica #aztec #nahuatl
Don't mind me, just sharing how stately and beautiful #Tenochtitlan and other #Mexica #Aztec cities were. ❤️
EDIT: Art by Stuart and Scott Gentling!
#Americas #Mesoamerica #Mexico #indigenous #IndigenousPeoples #PreChristian
#prechristian #indigenouspeoples #indigenous #mexico #mesoamerica #americas #aztec #mexica #tenochtitlan
Just getting this out there before the idea has much of a chance to take root here, but:
#Ometeotl is not a God, it is not even a historical #Aztec #Mexica concept. It is a word invented in the #ColonialEra to try and get the Nahuas to warm up to #monotheism. #Omeyocan, "Place of Duality" exists, but it is home to two named deities, #Omecacihuatl and #Ometecuhtli. Ometeotl might be used in liturgy to refer to creation, but it is not a thing to pray to.
#mexicayotl #huehuemexicayotl #ometecuhtli #omecacihuatl #omeyocan #monotheism #colonialera #mexica #aztec #ometeotl
Los nueve niveles del Mictlán
El más importante viaje
inicia junto a tu Xoloitzcuintle
hijo del hueso de la vida
en la tierra de Xipe Totec.
Con cinco años por delante,
un largo y descarnado camino,
hacia el Mictlán:
tu último destino.
Para leer poesía completa:
#mictlan #poesía #literatura #prehispánico #mexica #muerte #díademuertos #poema #español #méxico
#mictlan #poesía #literatura #prehispánico #mexica #muerte #díademuertos #poema #español #méxico
After 4 years of boardgaming together, we achieved a perfect 4 way tie in the first scoring of #Mexica
Didn't stay that way until the end though. :P