211 Days Days Until #halloween
Checking out, #creatureofthewalkingdead which is the American version of the #mexicanhorror film #LaMarcadelMuerto #vhs #horror #vhshorror #halloweencountdown #1960s
#halloween #creatureofthewalkingdead #mexicanhorror #lamarcadelmuerto #vhs #horror #vhshorror #halloweencountdown #1960s
It's Like Halloween Meets The Beyond! Cemetery of Terror
#TheHorrorGeek #Horrormovie #Horrormovies #80sHorror #CemeteryofTerror #RubenGalindoJr #MexicanHorror #Sickflicks #MikeBracken
#mikebracken #sickflicks #mexicanhorror #rubengalindojr #cemeteryofterror #80sHorror #horrormovies #horrormovie #thehorrorgeek
So. Yesterday I mentioned a couple of japanese and korean horror movies, today I bring you mexican horror movies.
* Alucarda, la hija de las tinieblas (1978)
* El libro de piedra (1968)
* Veneno para las hadas (1984)
* Hasta el viento tiene miedo (1968)
* Mรกs negro que la noche (1975)
* Cronos (1992)
* Macario (1960)
* Somos lo que hay (2010)
There are others more but these are the ones the struck a chord with me. Instant classics.
Taboada was a masterclass.