RT @MrsMFL123
I’ve just listened to @joedale and @HelenMyers on #TeachitTalks podcast talking about the new MFL GCSE. Super helpful and clear. Thank you both so much! 💫🙌 https://open.spotify.com/episode/7GNhWa1W3HaML0CW3suo6t?si=9si1Ys9LQb2Pd76i6mMhrw #mfltwitterati
Education researcher Dilara Özel and English teacher Ayşegül Yurtsever explore activites in foreign language lessons to help students develop crosscultural understanding - with practical tips for foreign language teachers. #MFLtwitterati #EERAblog #EduSci https://blog.eera-ecer.de/foreign-language-classrooms/
#mfltwitterati #eerablog #edusci
Education researcher Dilara Özel and English teacher Ayşegül Yurtsever on how language activities can help students develop multicultural understanding - with practical tips for foreign language classrooms. #MFLtwitterati #EERAblog #EduSci https://blog.eera-ecer.de/foreign-language-classrooms/
#mfltwitterati #eerablog #edusci
I wanted to show this example of scaffolded Photocard Practice for GCSE, which I used with low attaining ss. The template is free to be used by anyone, just change the photo in the background and your input in each interactive link #mfltwitterati @genially@twitter.com https://view.genial.ly/63d8fca220d3b50010eef74f/interactive-image-photocard-scaffolded-practice-gcse
I just wanted to show this example of scaffolded Photocard Practice for GCSE, which I used with low attaining ss. The template is free to be used by anyone, just change the photo in the background and your input in each number. #mfltwitterati @ISMLA@twitter.com @ALL4@twitter.com https://view.genial.ly/63d8fca220d3b50010eef74f
I have been playing with the new image creator feature in @bing@twitter.com. I got very excited to create, very specific pictures to promote creative speaking and writing in MFL. #mfltwitterati @joedale@twitter.com
RT @weteachMFL@twitter.com
New #AI Tool. Hello History App. Talk with historical figures and it works in multiple languages. Could be great for A Level classes. #mfltwitterati
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/weteachMFL/status/1618273661940826112
I am a fan of dictations, did plenty in school myself learning English in Spain, even phonetic ones at uni, and now I am glad they are formally back at GCSE. #mfltwitterati
Inspired by @suzibewell@twitter.com and the new GCSE specification, I have written this post on my 9 favourite Dictation activities to carry out in the classroom. I hope it is useful! #mfltwitterati https://mflcraft.blogspot.com/2023/01/dictation-new-really-kid-on-block-9.html
More on how AI can assist with #MFL teaching tasks. #workload
RT @MissFedrizzi
#mfltwitterati.Here's my first exploration of #openai #ChatGPT as a tool for #mflteaching. Lots more to come. @joedale @spsmith45
#mfl #workload #mfltwitterati #openai #chatgpt #mflteaching
Check out my last post on responsive teaching, the impact of having high expectations for all & how to scaffold materials & practice to reach mastery in our students. It will save you lots of time! #mfltwitterati https://mflcraft.blogspot.com/2022/12/spinning-plates-responsive-and-adaptive.html
I am delighted to announce that @joedale@twitter.com and I will be running, again, our series of webinars, by popular demand + 2 new additions on GCSE exam preparation and Gamification. #mfltwitterati All information is here: https://mflcraft.blogspot.com/p/giving-students-wings-series-of-6.html
RT @stevesingapore@twitter.com
A rough first go at organising my thoughts on positive uses for ChatGPT in teaching and learning #mfltwitterati #chatgptmfl I deliberately haven't assigned teacher or student roles as this is an equal-opportunity tool if ever I saw one!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/stevesingapore/status/1611430363867369474
RT @tmmflicons@twitter.com
We @BotonesSalgado@twitter.com @missmfl16@twitter.com and Adam are all extremely excited! If you are tempted to present and have never presented before or perhaps nervous - do reach out to us! Sign up ➡️ https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0pigHliqu9_pPIqPbt8fqrWowXUsu6SzBdNDncNsH47jaKg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 #MFLTwitterati
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/tmmflicons/status/1611754728228114433
RT @tmmflicons@twitter.com
👀 👀 💥 We are BACK for the new year! 💥👀👀 Saturday, 4th March. If you enjoyed the array of speakers we had in December and want to speak at this event - sign up is here ➡️ http://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI… #TMMFL #MFLTwitterati
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/tmmflicons/status/1611659919370878981
RT @hannahpinkham@twitter.com
As ever, love it when the glorious #mfltwitterati make my life easier!
Super-duper useful blogs on #ChatGPT in #Languages from @spsmith45@twitter.com https://frenchteachernet.blogspot.com/2022/12/a-worksheet-experiment-with-chatgpt.html?m=1 and @MissFedrizzi@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/hannahpinkham/status/1610885981703397376
#mfltwitterati #chatgpt #languages
RT @languagenut@twitter.com
We're kicking off our 2023 #MFLSOS series of webinars with an exciting guest webinar from the fab @BotonesSalgado@twitter.com! She'll be talking about "Stickability in the MFL classroom via Grammar and Verbs" on Tue 31 Jan at 4pm UK time. Free tickets:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/languagenut/status/1610219125145468928
Happy new year, #mfltwitterati! Remember how special you are on your way back to school & how to maximise your time & resources. If your department would like practical ideas from KS3 to ALevel to guarantee exam success, have a look at this page https://mflcraft.blogspot.com/p/tailored-cpd-for-your-schooltrust.html @ismla_uk@twitter.com
12 grapes... and lots of easy lessons, grateful students and easy exams without tricks! Happy 2023 from Spain, #mfltwitterati