It’s day 2 of the #MFRRSummit2023.
#EURightsAgency's Andreas Accardo will open outlining how support for #CivilSociety, rights defenders & journalists can help ensure the #RuleOfLaw & #HumanRights are respected across the EU.
📌For more:
#mfrrsummit2023 #EURightsAgency #CivilSociety #RuleofLaw #humanrights
🔜Coming soon #MFRRSummit2023
#EURightsAgency's Andreas Accardo will open Day 2 outlining how the EU can remain a #HumanRights role model by supporting #CivilSociety, rights defenders & journalists to uphold the rule of law.
📌For more:
#mfrrsummit2023 #EURightsAgency #humanrights #CivilSociety