MG4: Still The Bargain Of The Century? #bargain #century #CrowdFundedYoutube #ElectricCarYoutubeChannel #ElectricCars #ElectricVehicles #EV #EvShow #FullyCharged #FullyChargedShow #FullyChargedShowLive #kryten #LatestNewsOnRenewableEnergy #Mg4 #RenewableEnergyElectricVehicles #RenewableEnergyYoutube #RobertLlewellyn #videos #vlog #YouTube
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Mit E-Autos wird Software zu einem bestimmenden Thema der Automobilität. Womit sich die Wahrnehmung verschiebt. Das führt zu vermeintlichen Problemen, die „vorher“ kein Thema waren und auch jetzt keins sein müssen.
#Reichweitenangst war gestern!
Nach mehr als 2000 km, einigen Zwischenladungen samt Kaffeepause hat unser #CarSharing - Kunde sein Ziel nahe #Lissabon erreicht. #MG4 #ECarSharing
#reichweitenangst #carsharing #lissabon #mg4 #ECarSharing
It's getting interesting in the Australian EV space, with MG anouncing that the MG4 Excite 51 will cost $38990 when it lands in August. But will MG hold that low-cost crown all that long?
REVIEW: MG4 SE Long Range Review, is it as good as they say? by @alexlowe30
MG4 XPOWER RS4 行貨試車 : 36 萬主動安全科技齊備
The post MG4 XPOWER RS4 行貨試車 : 36 萬主動安全科技齊備 appeared first on 香港 玩生活.樂科技.
#unwire TV #MG4 #rs4
The #MG4 is sadly going back tomorow after a week on test. Been a good experience, review coming soon 🔜 to @theinterface
MG4 1000 km Road Trip - Dublin to Fully Charged Live UK South
#roadtrip #1000km #mg4 #electriccars
#roadtrip #1000km #mg4 #electriccars
@FabianLaasch Fahre häufiger Langstrecke mit meinem #MG4 bei fragen melde dich einfach.👍
MG's announced pricing for the MG4 Essence model in Australia #MG #MG4 #EV
📈 ¡El Tesla Model Y destrona al Dacia Spring y vuelve a ser el vehículo eléctrico más vendido en España!
El Fiat 500E, el MG4 y el Dacia demuestran definitivamente que los grandes SUV no son el único tipo de vehículo que quiere la gente.
#teslamodely #tesla #teslamotors #daciaspring #dacia #fiat500e #fiat #fiat500 #mg4 #mg #cupraborn #cupraelborn #cupra #seat #estatisticas #ventas #somosgaia #movilidadsostenible #movilidadelectrica #vehiculoselectricos #vehiculoelectrico #sostenibilidad
#teslamodely #tesla #TeslaMotors #daciaspring #dacia #Fiat500e #fiat #fiat500 #mg4 #mg #cupraborn #cupraelborn #cupra #SEAT #estatisticas #ventas #somosgaia #movilidadsostenible #movilidadelectrica #vehiculoselectricos #vehiculoelectrico #sostenibilidad
Nice test drive in the new #mg4 this afternoon. Very nice drive. Not super enthusiastic about the onboard systems (all feels a bit cheap Android). But the car looks good, if you like the Chinese hothatch look. All the controls that matter are physical. And you really can’t beat the range and charge speed at this price. Very high on my possible new #EV list
Avui he conduït molt breument (perquè no tenia temps) l'MG4, l'elèctric a preu de benzina (o més barat i tot).
400-425 km d'autonomia real (62 kWh bruts).
No cal res més. Acceleració més que de sobres, qualitat més que decent. Fins i tot, es pot tancar l'aire de les sortides si es gira tot cap a un costat!
Ara, aquest no tenia càmera del darrera ni bomba de calor, que jo sí que triaria (és la versió luxury, que val 2.000€ més).
"#MG4 & #Cupra #Born im großen #Vergleichstest; Verbrauch, Ausstattung, #Fahrleistungen und mehr gecheckt" ...
#mg4 #cupra #born #vergleichstest #fahrleistungen
Daughter drove home 216 miles from the Peak District National Park in the #MG4 on a cold January day with temps at -1°C (30°F) stopping for a 13 min recharge costing £3.99 and adding 14.2 kWh at Milton Keynes IONITY on the M1.
That’s it. No long charging times. No waiting for others to charge. No extortionate charging costs. No drama. #livingwithanev #ev
"#MG4 #Electric #Crash Test im Detail! Wo hat der MG4 Test Punkte liegen gelassen? | #ElectricDriveNews" ...
#mg4 #electric #crash #electricdrivenews