#MH17 convict Igor Girkin loses appeal against pre-trial detention
>Girkin is a popular blogger in #Russia and has been critical of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu
>Igor Girkin, one of three men convicted for the downing of flight MH17, will remain in custody. A Russian court rejected on Tuesday an appeal by his lawyers to suspend his pre-trial detention. The 52-year-old man was arrested in July 2023 in Moskow on charges of extremism. https://nltimes.nl/2023/08/29/mh17-convict-igor-girkin-loses-appeal-pre-trial-detention
MH17: Putin probably supplied missile that downed plane - investigators - BBC News
>The passenger aircraft was hit by a Russian-made missile over Ukraine, killing nearly 300 people.
>Prosecutors said there was evidence that Mr Putin decided to provide heavy weaponry to Moscow-backed separatists.
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64566297 #Russia #Ukraine #RussiaUkraineWar #UkraineWarNews #UkraineWar #MH17 #F16 #Netherlands #Putin
#Putin #Netherlands #f16 #mh17 #UkraineWar #UkraineWarNews #RussiaUkraineWar #Ukraine #Russia
"In dit fragment loog Timmermans keihard in het gezicht van Pauw".
#pvda #groenlinks #frans #timmermans #mh17
#pvda #groenlinks #frans #timmermans #mh17
Dit bericht uit 2017 vind ik nog steeds verontrustend: https://www.bnr.nl/radio/de-ochtendspits/10319391/3-maart-baudet-wil-omtzigt-als-nieuwe-premier #Omtzigt #MH17
The same airport.. nine years later
After #Russia's first war crime in Ukraine [shooting down #MH17] in 2014, the 298 victims were transferred to the Dutch military airbase in #Eindhoven.
Today, 08/20/2023, nine years later ... the #Netherlands announces that it will supply #Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets to fight the Russian invaders.
Dear Mr. #Putin... The #Dutch haven't forgotten who stabbed them in the heart.
#russia #mh17 #eindhoven #Netherlands #ukraine #putin #dutch
Uitgebreide reconstructie van de NRC over de periode rond de Russische inval in 2014 en #MH17
Poetin viel Oekraïne binnen in 2014. Maar toen bleef het Westen dagdromen over dialoog en ‘deëscalatie’ - NRC (12ft)
#Politiek #Rusland #Oekraine
#oekraine #rusland #politiek #mh17
@peterrough next logical step - imagine what that would have been if #Ukraine was given military aid in 2014 during invasion of #Crimea 😨 Or at least immediately after #MH17 was shot down by Russians 😡
#Ukraine #Crimea #mh17 #ArmUkraineNow #RussianUkrainianWar #atacmsforukraine
#vandaagin 2014 - In Nederland geldt een dag van nationale rouw naar aanleiding van de crash van Malaysia Airlines-vlucht 17 zes dagen eerder. #MH17
Russia arrests MH17 terrorist Igor Girkin. I sincerely hope his torturers take their time on him. #MH17 #NeverForget https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/21/russia-arrests-pro-war-putin-critic-igor-girkin-reports?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
Timmermans verontschuldigt zich voor uitspraak in Pauw'- RTL NIEUWS
#timmermans #mh17
Timmermans: MH17-passagier had zuurstofmasker op
#timmermans #mh17
De Russische nationalist Igor Girkin, die medeverantwoordelijk wordt gehouden voor het neerhalen van vlucht #MH17 in 2014, is in #Rusland opgepakt. Hij wordt volgens Russische staatsmedia verdacht van aanzetten tot extremisme, wat hem op een gevangenisstraf tot vijf jaar kan komen te staan.
#buitenland #nieuws #rusland #mh17
@dw #Girkin is not just a "nationalist figure". He's a #Russian #WarCriminal prosecuted and convicted by the court in #Netherlands for downing of #MH17 flight during the initial phase of #RussianUkrainianWar in 2014.
#Girkin #Russian #warcriminal #Netherlands #mh17 #RussianUkrainianWar
Wow, this is big: Igor #Strelkov / #Girkin detained and charged with extremism in Russia
He has a lot to answer for in how the #Ukraine war started in 2014 - a former officer (likely of #GRU background) occupied #Sloviansk in the #Donbas with a couple of dozen men and started the armed conflict, with #Russia 's covert then overt support
And mainly he was behind the shooting down of #MH17 - convicted by a Durch court
#Strelkov #Girkin #ukraine #gru #sloviansk #donbas #russia #mh17
Emotional UN Speech On Ukrainian Plane Crash
#timmermans #mh17
Der Abschluss der #MH17 - Musterbeispiel für russische Desinformation
Die russische #Propaganda um den Abschuss von #MH17 zeigt bereits sehr gut, wie das Regime mit #Desinformation arbeitet, erklärt Dietmar Pichler. https://www.volksverpetzer.de/analyse/mh17-case-study-russischer-desinformation/?utm_source=mstdn
#desinformation #mh17 #propaganda
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10: #mh17
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