Vite brevi ed esemplari delle spie / 2 #ChristopherIsherwood #UnioneSovietica #WystamHughAuden #StephenSpender #CambridgeFour #DonaldMaclean #ForeignOffice #Omosessualità #AnthonyBlunt #DiegoGabutti #AltroQuando #GuyBurgess #KimPhilby #Cremlino #Londra #Marx #Mi5
#christopherisherwood #unionesovietica #WystamHughAuden #StephenSpender #CambridgeFour #DonaldMaclean #foreignoffice #omosessualità #AnthonyBlunt #diegogabutti #AltroQuando #GuyBurgess #KimPhilby #cremlino #londra #marx #mi5
🔎 The boss of #MI5 has warned British students they are 'magnetic targets for espionage and manipulation' by hostile foreign states.
Ken #McCallum urged students to be vigilant to avoid sharing secrets to #China, #Russia and #Iran - as hostile actors are stealing British research with "dispiriting regularity"
"Hostile actors working for other states make it their business to take your hard work and use it for their gain" the MI5 director general said
#Iran #Russia #China #mccallum #mi5
29 juni 1948
Drummer met de langste staat van dienst binnen één en dezelfde band sinds de oprichting.
Ian krijgt zijn eerste drumkit op zijn 15de, en begint te drummen in de weddingband van zijn vader waar hij covers drumt van dance en disco hits.
De eerste echte band waar hij zelf in speelt is #GeorgieAnTheRaveOns met #GeorgeAdams, de band brengt een single uit onder de naam #TheShindings als Ian 17 is.
In 1966 voegt hij zich bij #MI5, een band met
#ianpaice #georgieantheraveons #georgeadams #theshindings #mi5
#5yrsago Colorado Senate Republicans introduce legislation to fire, imprison striking teachers
#5yrsago The used cars that Europe sends to Nigeria are filled with illegal, toxic e-waste
#5yrsago The #BBC finally admits that #MI5 secretly vetted its employees, an open secret for generations
#1yrago Don't believe Obama's Big Tech #CritiHype
#5yrsago #bbc #mi5 #1yrago #CritiHype
#UK #torture policy labelled ‘fatally flawed’ after watchdog report
Investigatory powers commissioner has identified non-compliance by intelligence agencies and #MoD
#SS #SIS #MI5 #MI6
#mi6 #mi5 #sis #ss #mod #torture #uk
The Investigatory Powers Commissioner’s Office (IPCO) has found non compliance by the UK with the policy on torture. The “most significant deficiency” was a failure by agencies – those overseen by IPCO include MI5 and MI6 – to remind ministers there was a “presumption not to proceed” in cases where there is a “real risk of torture”.
#Torture #MI6 #MI5 #TortureTipOffs
#HomeOffice #IPCO #JagtarSinghJohal
#JagtarSinghJohal #ipco #HomeOffice #torturetipoffs #mi5 #MI6 #torture
#MI5 is only interested in applications from females and ethnic/religious minorities. More than likely, if you’re not sure what you are – gender fluid – or you’re a biological man pretending to be a woman, and you’re black and #Muslim to boot, you’ll shoot right to the top of the list.
I'm not saying I'm James Bond but have you ever seen BOTH of us in the same room?
#jamesbond #q #mi5 #secretservice #superman
The #UnitedKingdom's #MI5 intelligence service on Tuesday raised the #terrorism threat level in #NorthernIreland’ to "severe" amid an increase in activity by dissident Irish #republican #militants.
Severe is the second-highest rung on a five-point scale and means an attack is considered highly likely. The threat had stood one notch lower at "substantial" for the past year.
#unitedkingdom #mi5 #terrorism #northernireland #republican #militants #ireland
@ProfCyberNaught Are you referring to the #OnlineSafetyBill? I am 100% against it. The intention is that whatever future home secretary, of whatever political stripes and agenda, gets to decide. And if that's not bad enough we've just seen that #Mi5 don't even do what they're told and lie about it. The bill is an epic liability. It seems to me the Tories want a small state when it comes to protecting your interests but a big one when it comes to exploiting them. We need to fight this bill
#Mi5 have had bulk access to the #UK population's internet records - without need for a warrant - since the passing of the #InvestigatoryPowersAct in 2016. It's gutting to see that while they were gathering (and also mishandling, as it turns out) all of this information they failed to prevent several terrorist acts including #ManchesterArena . We can see here how we are mis-sold policies that violate our rights to #privacy and #FreeSpeech in the name of security. That is not what it's used for.
#FreeSpeech #Privacy #ManchesterArena #investigatorypowersact #UK #mi5
“significant missed opportunity” identified by Saunders concerned 2 pieces of #intelligence by #mi5 in months before the attack...on occasion MI5’s “corporate position” did not reflect how officers viewed this material & instead was more a “retrospective justification for the actions taken or not taken..agent should have raised concerns to colleagues straight away & written a report on same day but did not." #mi5notfitforpurpose
#intelligence #mi5 #mi5notfitforpurpose
𝗩𝗲𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗱𝘀𝗱𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘀𝘁 𝗠𝗜𝟱 𝗵𝗮𝗱 𝗮𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗹𝗮𝗴 𝗯𝗶𝗷 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗿𝘁 𝗶𝗻 𝗠𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗸𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗻 𝘃𝗼𝗼𝗿𝗸𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻
MI5 heeft in 2017 "een grote kans laten liggen" om de bomaanslag bij een concert in Manchester te voorkomen. Een onderzoekscommissie concludeert donderdag dat de aanslag waarschijnlijk voorkomen had kunnen worden als de Britse veiligheidsdienst zorgvuldiger... #nieuws #NUnl #Manchester #aanslag #MI5
#mi5 #aanslag #manchester #nunl #nieuws
Veiligheidsdienst MI5 had aanslag bij concert in Manchester kunnen voorkomen
#manchesterattack #manchesterarena #mi5
#mi5 #ManchesterArena #manchesterattack