#film #documentary
#Iran #Mossadegh #1953 #MI6 #UK #US #BritishCrimes
#film #documentary #coup53 #iran #Mossadegh #mi6 #uk #us #britishcrimes
“It’s Always About Oil”: #CIA & #MI6 Staged Coup in #Iran 70 Years Ago, Destroying #DemocracyInIran
#democracynow #cia #mi6 #iran #democracyiniran
#Sisde Gli aderenti di #TerzaPosizione, Fiore, De Angelis ,Morsello ecc arrestati a Londra 🇬🇧 #UK avrebbero goduti appoggi dal nazi-club "Lega di San Giorgio"
l files sull'estradizione finita con la loro scarcerazione è ancora secretato #MI6 #SEGRETO 1981
#sisde #terzaposizione #uk #mi6 #SEGRETO
| Wissen Sie wo ${hochrangieges Parlamentsmitglied} ist? -- Ja sicher, im Urlaub in Schottland. -- In Wien. -- *Monokel fällt aus dem Gesicht*
Haha, herrlich. Wie jeder, in dem Kontext sofort weiß, was gemeint ist.
Wien, die Stadt der Spione. Noch auffälliger wäre nur noch Berlin oder Moskau.
#metonym #thesandbaggers #mi6 #sis
#MI6 chief on #COVID19 origin: Lab escapee virus tailored to be #highlyinfectious
#mi6 #COVID19 #highlyinfectious
@profcarroll #Prigozhin cut a deal BEFORE the #FakeRebellion. #MI6 is a clown 🤡 club?
#prigozhin #fakerebellion #mi6
Focus #MissionImpossible 7/8
Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)
Une sidérante course contre la montre, effrénée et terriblement entraînante.
#MissionImpossibleFallout #Fallout #ChristopherMcQuarrie #TomCruise #RebeccaFerguson #SimonPegg #HenryCavill #VingRhames #VanessaKirby #SeanHarris #MI6 #Film #Cinema #Paris
#missionimpossible #missionimpossiblefallout #fallout #christophermcquarrie #tomcruise #rebeccaferguson #simonpegg #henrycavill #vingrhames #vanessakirby #seanharris #mi6 #film #cinema #paris
SailfishOS на Mi6. Мало что изменилось со времен оригинального Jolla Phone. OpenRepos стал побогаче, но незначительно. #sailfishos #sfos #mi6
#MI6 chief makes open plea to Russians to spy for #UK
#StandWithUkraine #RussiaAggression #RussianCrimes #Dictatorship #Surveillance #Censorship #RussianWarCrimes #FreeNavalny #PutinsWar #Muscovy #Russia
#russia #muscovy #PutinsWar #freeNavalny #RussianWarCrimes #censorship #surveillance #dictatorship #RussianCrimes #RussiaAggression #StandWithUkraine #uk #mi6
Russia’s conscience call
A tug of past and present
Time to make a stand
#russia #putin #mi6 #conscience #haiku #poetry
#russia #putin #mi6 #conscience #haiku #poetry
“#Prigozhin started off that day as a traitor at breakfast, he had been pardoned by supper, and then a few days later, he was invited for tea,” Mr. Moore told the audience. “So, there are some things that even the chief of #MI6 finds a little bit difficult to try and interpret, in terms of who’s in and who’s out.” #Putin #Ukraine #Wagner
#prigozhin #mi6 #putin #ukraine #wagner
#Russia #Putin #Prigozhin #russianwar #MI6
Head of MI6 about Putin, Prigozhin and power shifts in Russia.
#russia #putin #Prigozhin #russianwar #mi6
Artificial intelligence is currently being used in modern warfare. According to Britain's spy chief, his MI6 agents use AI to hamper the flow of weapons to Russia as the invasion in Ukraine continues.
The head of SIS declaring to dissident Russians that "Your secrets will always be safe with us." displays a shocking disregard for history.
Er hatte bei der Aussage sicher strategische Anwendungsfälle im Blick. Dennoch bleibt ein fader Beigeschmack, wenn MI6-Chef Moore das "Potential von Künstlicher Intelligenz" hervorhebt. 👨💻
UK’s MI6 spy tells Russians: join us as agents to end war #espionage #MI6 #Russianinvasion #Ukraine #UnitedKingdom
#espionage #mi6 #russianinvasion #Ukraine #unitedkingdom
#mi6 #britanie #velkabritanie #richardmoore
Šéf 🇬🇧 rozvědky MI6 Richard Moore zavítá do Prahy. Ve výročním projevu zhodnotí aktuální hrozby, vyjádří se k ruské agresi na Ukrajině, okomentuje jednání Číny nebo pronese několik slov k tolik propíranému rozmachu umělé inteligence.
#mi6 #britanie #velkabritanie #richardmoore
After France, I vote Germany self-destructs, followed by Britain or whatever they're calling themselves this decade.
Reap what you sow. #OperationGladio #MI6 #CIA #SummerOnFire
#operationgladio #mi6 #cia #summeronfire Hmmm....wonder if the $38M is courtesy of the #CIA and #MI6? #WagnerGroupRussia #Putin #Ukraine 🇺🇦 #FailedCoup #RussiaUkraineWar #Prigozhin
#cia #mi6 #WagnerGroupRussia #putin #ukraine #FailedCoup #RussiaUkraineWar #prigozhin