1,869 acres have been designated as critical habitat for the #endangered #MiamiTigerBeetle under the #EndangeredSpeciesAct. The beetle lives in some of the few #PineRocklands that still exist in #MiamiDadeCounty, and there are heavy development pressures on such areas, despite them containing a variety of #EndangeredSpecies.
Here's #CenterForBiologicalDiversity's press release about it: https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/nearly-2000-acres-of-critical-habitat-protected-for-endangered-miami-tiger-beetle-2023-05-22/
#Miami #SouthFlorida #insects #beetles #conservation #ProtectedAreas #biodiversity
#endangered #miamitigerbeetle #endangeredspeciesact #pinerocklands #miamidadecounty #endangeredspecies #centerforbiologicaldiversity #miami #southflorida #insects #beetles #conservation #protectedareas #biodiversity
The #MiamiTigerBeetle will have #CriticalHabitat finalized and The #BractedTwistflower will be listed as a #ThreatenedSpecies (with critical habitat designated) under the #EndangeredSpeciesAct, the #CenterForBiologicalDiversity announced.
The #Miami #TigerBeetle lives in the #PineRocklands of very urbanized #SouthFlorida in #MiamiDadeCounty, while the bracted twistflower is found in #UvaldeCounty, #BexarCounty, #MedinaCounty, and #TravisCounty in #Texas, roughly coinciding with the #I35Corridor.
#plants #wildflowers #beetles #insects #Florida #SouthTexas #UrbanSprawl #ESA #EndangeredSpecies #USFWS
#miamitigerbeetle #criticalhabitat #bractedtwistflower #threatenedspecies #endangeredspeciesact #centerforbiologicaldiversity #Miami #tigerbeetle #pinerocklands #southflorida #miamidadecounty #uvaldecounty #bexarcounty #medinacounty #traviscounty #texas #i35corridor #plants #wildflowers #beetles #insects #florida #southtexas #urbanSprawl #esa #endangeredspecies #USFWS