If the Dolphins really blow it and miss out on the playoffs next week, it'll be the final nail in the coffin. I will revert to being a full time Houston Oilers fan. Better to root for a franchise that no longer exists than being disappointed every single season. #FinsUp #MIAvsNE
Well done! #MIAvsNE #Doyourjob #PatriotsNation
#miavsne #doyourjob #patriotsnation
We've been rebuilding this goddamn team over and over again ever since Dan Marino retired. 23 f'n years ago. What a joke. #finsup #miavsne #sameolddolphins
#finsup #miavsne #sameolddolphins
Boy o boy o boy... this freakin' franchise deserves no love. #finsup #miavsne #sameolddolphins
#finsup #miavsne #sameolddolphins
STOP THE COUNT. #MIAvsNE #MiamiDolphins :finsup: #FinsUp
#miavsne #miamidolphins #finsup
This game is kind of painful to watch. #MIAvsNE #MiamiDolphins #FinsUp
#miavsne #miamidolphins #finsup
#NFL Season 2022/23 - Week 17 | Heute ab 19 Uhr live im Free-TV bei @ProSieben und @ransport (AT: @puls4 & @puls24news) und über den @NFL GamePass und @DAZN_DE 🏈👍 #CARvsTB #MIAvsNE #MINvsGB #ranNFL #ranFootball #DAZN #ENDZN #NFLger #NFLDeutschland
#NFLDeutschland #nflger #Endzn #dazn #ranfootball #rannfl #minvsgb #miavsne #carvstb #nfl
2023 startet mit #ranNFL, W17: Brady & Rodgers müssen siegen, wollen sie nicht fliegen.
18:30 h #ranNFLsüchtig
19:00 h #CARvsTB @stecker_jan@twitter.com @EsumePatrick@twitter.com @Icke41@twitter.com
22:20 h #MINvsGB @jonas_friedlich@twitter.com @BjoernWerner@twitter.com @Icke41@twitter.com
Stream only:
19:00 h #MIAvsNE @opulatejita@twitter.com
#rannfl #rannflsuchtig #carvstb #minvsgb #miavsne