Wenn ich schon nicht zum Spielen eines #ttrpg komme, spiele ich mit den beiden großen Kindern halt #mausundmystik #miceandmystics
#ttrpg #mausundmystik #miceandmystics #semperludens
Die Bemalung nenne ich jetzt fertig bzw. ausreichend.
Was jetzt noch fehlt ist Varnish und Basing (und für letzteres erstmal Ideen...).
#miniaturepainting #boardgame #miceandmystics #mausundmystik
#miniaturepainting #boardgame #miceandmystics #mausundmystik
Heute mal wieder #miniaturepainting im #SpielecaféderGenerationen.
Wieder #mausundmystik / #miceandmystics, diesmal Rex (der Schmied) und der Hundertfüßer. Brettspielminis heißt für mich "quick and dirty" (wobei ich meistens dann doch anfange mich zu verkünsteln).
#miniaturepainting #SpielecafederGenerationen #mausundmystik #miceandmystics
#MiceAndMystics deuxième aventure et nous avons sauvé Lily . #Peintture #Figurines #J2S #Boardgames . Très bon donjon narratif.
#miceandmystics #peintture #figurines #j2s #boardgames
We had a great sunday painting minis and chatting!
So many paints 😵💫
#miniaturepainting #paintandchat #minipainting #dasschwarzeauge #miceandmystics #hobbystreak #toomanyhobbies
#miniaturepainting #paintandchat #minipainting #dasschwarzeauge #miceandmystics #hobbystreak #toomanyhobbies
Au moment du gateau nous étions dans la cuisine. #J2S #figurines de #miceandmystics belle soirée jeu bien amusante. On fait la suite dans un mois.
#j2s #figurines #miceandmystics
Voila fin de la #peinture de #miceandmystics . Le vernis sèche depuis hier soir. #J2S #boardgames #figurines #miniatures appreciez les supports de figs maison 😀
#peinture #miceandmystics #j2s #boardgames #figurines #miniatures
Travail de #peinture pour le #j2s #MiceAndMystics que l’on devrait attacher en janvier. #figurines #minis #boardgames
#peinture #j2s #miceandmystics #figurines #minis #boardgames
This is Lily, another character from Mice & Mystics #boardgame #graphite #pencil #drawing #miceandmystics #MastoArt #FanArt
#FanArt #MastoArt #miceandmystics #drawing #pencil #graphite #boardgame
This is Tilda, another character from Mice & Mystics #boardgame She is a healer but wouldn’t hesitate to crush your bones with her mace if you are threatening her friends. #graphite #pencil #drawing #miceandmystics
#miceandmystics #drawing #pencil #graphite #boardgame
This is Nez, character from #boardgame Mice&Mystics #graphite #pencil #drawing #TraditionalArt #MastoArt #miceandmystics
#miceandmystics #MastoArt #TraditionalArt #drawing #pencil #graphite #boardgame
Designed by #MiceAndMystics and #StuffedFables creator, #JerryHawthorne,
#Aftermath is an Adventure Book Game in which players take on the role of small critters struggling to survive and thrive in a big, dangerous world. Humans have mysteriously vanished and the remnants of civilization are quickly being reclaimed by nature and the animals who still remain. https://www.plaidhatgames.com/news/994
#miceandmystics #stuffedfables #jerryhawthorne #aftermath
The sculptor who did #MiceAndMystics #miniatures
#miceandmystics #miniatures #minis
#MiniatureMonday #MageKnight Whirlwind "Thorn Crawler" as special character Skitter-Clak for #MiceAndMystics, next to the regular centipede of that game. The centipede, I painted for friends. The crawler is still around, with lots of others, unused #minid.
#miniaturemonday #mageknight #miceandmystics #minid
What if... #GurzagIronskull had stats to play #SongOfBladesAndHeroes on a #MiceAndMystics styled card? (because that's the only fantasy card template I already have on my hard drive)
#gurzagironskull #songofbladesandheroes #miceandmystics
When you quit smoking it's important to reward yourself. So yesterday after a game of Warhammer Underworlds at my LGS, with the money saved from not buying little boxes of cancer sticks, I bought a big box of #MiceAndMystics.