Fed Official: Digital Dollar Decision Still a Long Way Off - The Federal Reserve’s vice chair for supervision has affirmed that the U.S. centra... - https://news.bitcoin.com/fed-official-digital-dollar-decision-still-a-long-way-off/ #centralbankdigitalcurrency #vicechairforsupervision #digitaldollarissuance #federalreserve #digitaldollar #cbdcissuance #jeromepowell #michaelbarr #regulation #fedcbdc #cbdc #fed
#fed #cbdc #fedcbdc #regulation #michaelbarr #jeromepowell #cbdcissuance #digitaldollar #federalreserve #digitaldollarissuance #vicechairforsupervision #centralbankdigitalcurrency
U.S. Fed’s Vice Chair Barr Says CBDC Decision Still a ‘Long Way’ Off - The U.S. is far from making any decision on a central bank digital currency (CBDC), said ... - https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2023/09/08/us-feds-vice-chair-barr-says-cbdc-decision-still-a-long-way-off/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #digitaldollar #regulations #stablecoins #michaelbarr #policy #circle #tether #paypal #fednow #news #cbdc
#cbdc #news #fednow #paypal #tether #circle #policy #michaelbarr #stablecoins #regulations #digitaldollar
"The trouble is that the system requires someone like Lee Kuan Yew at the top — strict and charismatic, as Michael Barr, author of Singapore: A Modern History, told me. 'But no one who has that political skill would ever rise to the top today because that person would be regarded as a threat,' he said."
#FarahStockman, 2023
#farahstockman #singapore #leekuanyew #michaelbarr #autocracy
'How did this happen' — Powell says Fed stumped over the collapse of SVB - In a post-FOMC meeting on March 22, the chairman of the Federal R... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/how-did-this-happen-powell-says-fed-stumped-over-the-collapse-of-svb #federalopenmarketcommittee #federalreserveboard #siliconvalleybank #elizabethwarren #investigation #jeromepowell #michaelbarr #gregbecker
#gregbecker #michaelbarr #jeromepowell #investigation #elizabethwarren #siliconvalleybank #federalreserveboard #federalopenmarketcommittee
US Fed to create new crypto team amid concerns about unregulated stablecoins - The Fed’s Vice Chair for Supervision emphasized that they do not ... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/us-fed-to-create-new-crypto-team-amid-concerns-about-unregulated-stablecoins #petersoninstituteforinternationaleconomics #vicechairforsupervision #siliconvalleybank #silvergatebank #transformative #custodiabank #michaelbarr #caitlinlong #cryptoteam #fed
#fed #cryptoteam #caitlinlong #michaelbarr #custodiabank #transformative #silvergatebank #siliconvalleybank #vicechairforsupervision #petersoninstituteforinternationaleconomics
US Fed Standing Up New Squad of Crypto Specialists, Says Supervision Chief Barr - The U.S. Federal Reserve is putting together a “specialized team of experts” to enhance i... - https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2023/03/09/us-fed-standing-up-new-squad-of-crypto-specialists-says-supervision-chief-barr/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #federalreserve #regulations #michaelbarr #silvergate #policy #news
#news #policy #silvergate #michaelbarr #regulations #federalreserve
U.S. lawmakers argue SEC accounting policy places crypto customers at risk - While the bulletin was intended to provide clarity regarding the ... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/u-s-lawmakers-argue-sec-accounting-policy-places-crypto-customers-at-risk #patrickmchenry #martygruenberg #cynthialummis #michaelbarr #republican #accounting #guidelines #toddharper #michaelhsu #senator #sab121
#sab121 #senator #michaelhsu #toddharper #guidelines #accounting #republican #michaelbarr #cynthialummis #martygruenberg #patrickmchenry