#JonMeacham year in review:
“You think about this administration, it began in era of disease, distrust & insurrection in January of 2021, & besides that Mrs. Lincoln how was the play? Right?”
- Best use of this phrase ever.
Stephanie @sruhle Michael @beschlossdc @11thhour @msnbc
#jonmeacham #stephanieruhle #michaelbeschloss #11thhour #msnbc
"Warnock’s victory underscores that Biden has enjoyed strongest first-term midterm Congressional showing of any President in eighty-eight years, with exception of JFK after Missile Crisis and W. Bush after 9/11."
-Presidential Historian #MichaelBeschloss
If you still have access to Twitter, presidential #historian #MichaelBeschloss (@BeschlossDC) is walking us through #JFK’s last day on this earth. Poignant for those of us who remember.
#historian #michaelbeschloss #jfk #kennedyassassination #november1963