Právě dočteno.
Skvostný román, za který dostal Michael Chabon v roce 2001 Pulitzerovu cenu. Americký román, který ovšem začíná v předválečné Praze v 30. letech minulého století. Hlavním hrdinou je český židovský chlapec, který uprchne z Prahy do New Yorku, kde žije jeho bratranec a společně začnou tvořit komiksy.
#kniha #knihy #pulitzerprize #michaelchabon
#kniha #knihy #pulitzerprize #michaelchabon
Gizmodo: After Barbie, Here Are 14 Other Toys Mattel Might Make Into Movies #hemanandthemastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverse #entertainmentculture #christophernolan #barneypreviously #mattmasonoscar #majormattmason #bobthebuilder #danielkalyuua #michaelchabon #lilycollins #thelostcity #jimmywarden #mattelfilms #matchboxyes #lenadunham #marcykelly #vindiesel #hotwheels #aaronnee #jjabrams #tomhanks #mattel
#hemanandthemastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverse #entertainmentculture #christophernolan #barneypreviously #mattmasonoscar #majormattmason #bobthebuilder #danielkalyuua #michaelchabon #lilycollins #thelostcity #jimmywarden #mattelfilms #matchboxyes #lenadunham #marcykelly #vindiesel #hotwheels #aaronnee #jjabrams #tomhanks #mattel
In order to revitalize the #superhero #genre I propose that #DC and #Marvel shift their villains from being world-ending threats from space to petty a-holes that nobody likes. #Superman is best remembered for fighting criminals and billionaires (and billionaire criminals), and as #michaelchabon pointed out, #comicbook heroes are about wish fulfillment and revenge fantasies.
#comicbook #michaelchabon #superman #marvel #dc #genre #superhero
@fatsam I got to that point after just over a season of #NextGen (though I had great fun being a vocal detractor on rec.arts.startrek for several years). But #Babylon5 was the last nail in the coffin for sure.
It took #MichaelChabon for me to take #StarTrek seriously again - but only for one season as it turned out.
#nextgen #babylon5 #michaelchabon #startrek
NEW ESSAY: What Book Changed Your Life?
For many of us, there’s a book we can measure our lives by: before and after. For me, that book was Michael Chabon’s WONDER BOYS.
Read here:
#writingcommunity #writerscommunity #writing #storytelling #writingtips #creativewriting #amwriting #writinglife #author #novelist #books #reading #MichaelChabon #bookstodon
#writingcommunity #writerscommunity #writing #storytelling #writingtips #creativewriting #amWriting #writinglife #author #novelist #books #reading #michaelchabon #bookstodon
Looking forward to the new @AMC_TV series #LuckyHank based on Russo's novel #StraightMan. If they're in the mood for quirky characters in academia, next they should make a series based on my favorite film #WonderBoys, in turn based on #MichaelChabon's novel.
#luckyhank #straightman #wonderboys #michaelchabon
We are each only one poem, one painting, one song away from another mind, another heart.
Michael Chabon (born 24 May 1963)
in his letter of resignation as Chairman of the MacDowell Colony’s Board of Directors
#michaelchabon #macdowellcolony #thepowerofart
We are each only one poem, one painting, one song away from another mind, another heart.
Michael Chabon (born 24 May 1963)
in his letter of resignation as Chairman of the MacDowell Colony’s Board of Directors
#thepowerofart #macdowellcolony #michaelchabon
#Bookstodon @albinokid
#DavidMitchell, #michaelchabon, #emilystjohnmandel, #jamesmcbride, #nkjemesin, #johnscalzi
#johnscalzi #nkjemesin #jamesmcbride #emilystjohnmandel #michaelchabon #davidmitchell #bookstodon
Among my ever shifting list of favorites.
#catherynnemvalente #michaelchabon #beckychambers #AmalElMohtar #samjmiller
NYJ, 67 years, consumer extraordinaire. #michaelbrown #michaelchabon #music #fiction #catch22 #flaubert #tomstoppard #nicklowe #donaldwestlake #geoffdyer #jonathonrichman #modernlovers #toddrundgren #laurieanderson #jenniferegan #anthonytrollope #beatles #johnlecarre #woodyallen #MontyPythonsFlyingCircus #marxbrothers #busterkeaton #raymondchandler #todbrowning #abba #brucejayfriedman #brucespringsteen #edgarwright #sparks #georgesaunders #jingfong #houseman #shuko #johnbarth #billywilder
#billywilder #johnbarth #shuko #houseman #jingfong #georgesaunders #sparks #edgarwright #brucespringsteen #brucejayfriedman #abba #todbrowning #raymondchandler #busterkeaton #marxbrothers #MontyPythonsFlyingCircus #woodyallen #johnlecarre #beatles #anthonytrollope #jenniferegan #LaurieAnderson #ToddRundgren #modernlovers #jonathonrichman #geoffdyer #donaldwestlake #nicklowe #tomstoppard #Flaubert #catch22 #fiction #music #michaelchabon #michaelbrown
"Impossible No way Meyerle Landsman could be such a lumpy old sack of onions. What are you doing here terrible chess player"
"I have twelve men working for me, there's not a single one of them who couldn't get lost trying to find his footfingers at the far end of his socks."
- The delight that is TheYiddishPolicemen'sUnion #michaelchabon