On August 27, 1932, Doctor X debuted in the United States. Marking the occasion with some Fay Wray art!
#DoctorX #MichaelCurtiz #FayWray #PrestonFoster #ScienceFiction #Horror #HorrorSciFi #SciFiHorror #PrecodeFilm #MidnightMovies #ScreamQueen #Art #ClassicFilm #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#doctorx #michaelcurtiz #faywray #prestonfoster #sciencefiction #horror #horrorscifi #scifihorror #precodefilm #midnightmovies #screamqueen #art #classicfilm #movieart #moviehistory
Gizmodo: Director Chris McQuarrie Is on a Mission With Tom Cruise to Get Us in Theaters https://gizmodo.com/interview-chris-mcquarrie-tom-cruise-mission-impossible-1850629583 #draftuntitledchristophermcquarrieactionfilm #christophermcquarrie #entertainmentculture #missionimpossible #chrismcquarrie #michaelcurtiz #deadreckoning #mcquarrietom #johnsturgess #sabinagraves #jackreacher #johnhuston #dolbyatmos #tomcruise #ethanhunt #spielberg #imaxfilms #johnford #dolby #lucas
#draftuntitledchristophermcquarrieactionfilm #christophermcquarrie #entertainmentculture #missionimpossible #chrismcquarrie #michaelcurtiz #deadreckoning #mcquarrietom #johnsturgess #sabinagraves #jackreacher #johnhuston #dolbyatmos #tomcruise #ethanhunt #spielberg #imaxfilms #johnford #dolby #lucas
The 1938 The Adventures of Robin Hood offers Errol Flynn at the top of his swashbuckling hero game and Basil Rathbone in super-villain mode. With spectacular visuals and dynamic pacing. The definitive Robin Hood movie. Great stuff.
My review: https://dfordoom-movieramblings.blogspot.com/2023/07/the-adventures-of-robin-hood-1938.html
#classicmovie #classicmovies #goldenagehollywood #1930smovie #1930smovies #swashbucklingadventure #swashbucklers #ErrolFlynn #BasilRathbone #MichaelCurtiz #ClaudeRains #OliviadeHavilland
#classicmovie #classicmovies #goldenagehollywood #1930smovie #1930smovies #swashbucklingadventure #swashbucklers #errolflynn #basilrathbone #michaelcurtiz #clauderains #oliviadehavilland
90 years ago:
Private Detective 62 (US)
A former government agent in France, who has failed at an assignment and been disavowed, is deported back to the USA, where he can only find work at a low-rent detective agency. He soon gets involved with a woman with ties to a crooked gambling club owner, who is a client of his agency.
#PrivateDetective62 #MichaelCurtiz #WilliamPowell #RuthDonnelly #IrvingBacon #PreCode #Film
#privatedetective62 #michaelcurtiz #williampowell #ruthdonnelly #irvingbacon #precode #film
I just watched Casablanca (Michael Curtiz, 1942) and rated it 9/10 ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casablanca_(film) #films #cinema #cinemastodon #Casablanca #IngridBergman #HumphreyBogart #MichaelCurtiz - Nope! I will never, ever get tired of this
#michaelcurtiz #HumphreyBogart #IngridBergman #casablanca #cinemastodon #cinema #films
🎬 Out for a nap with "Dodge City" (1939) @ TCM.
#ErrolFlynn as Sheriff "Wade Hatton" is cuteaf!
> "You know how to whistle, don't you Steve? You just put your lips together and blow." <
#movies #30s #TCMParty #Kansas #MichaelCurtiz #WarnerBros #SolPolito #Technicolor
#technicolor #solpolito #warnerbros #michaelcurtiz #kansas #TCMParty #30s #Movies #errolflynn
74 years ago:
Flamingo Road (US)
A stranded carnival dancer takes on a corrupt political boss when she marries into small-town society.
#FlamingoRoad #MichaelCurtiz #JoanCrawford #SydneyGreenstreet #GladysGeorge #ClassicMovies
#flamingoroad #michaelcurtiz #joancrawford #sydneygreenstreet #gladysgeorge #classicmovies
80 years ago:
Mission to Moscow (US)
Ambassador Joseph Davies is sent by FDR to Russia to learn about the Soviet system and returns to America as an advocate of Stalinism.
#MissiontoMoscow #MichaelCurtiz #AnnHarding #OskarHomolka #GeorgeTobias #Film
#missiontomoscow #michaelcurtiz #annharding #oskarhomolka #georgetobias #film
74 years ago:
My Dream Is Yours (US)
Conceited singer Garry Mitchell refuses to renew his radio contract, so agent Doug Blake decides to find a new personality to replace Garry. In New York, he finds Martha Gibson, a single mother with a great voice. He arranges for her to move to Hollywood, but then has a problem trying to sell her to...
#MyDreamIsYours #MichaelCurtiz #JackCarson #DorisDay #EveArden #ClassicMovies
#mydreamisyours #michaelcurtiz #jackcarson #dorisday #evearden #classicmovies
Going to bed early tonight for once so, sadly not going to be live-tooting tonight’s shows. Still wanted to make some new art in honor of tonight’s horror films, though!
#TCMParty #Drawnderground #DialMForMurder #HouseOfWax #DoctorX #MysteryOfTheWaxMuseum #MichaelCurtiz #AlfredHitchcock #Horror #HorrorArt #Thriller #
#TCMParty #drawnderground #dialmformurder #houseofwax #doctorx #mysteryofthewaxmuseum #michaelcurtiz #alfredhitchcock #horror #horrorart #thriller
92 years ago:
God's Gift to Women (US)
A notorious womanizer sets his sights on a pretty American tourist, only to be told by his doctor that he must give up all romance for his health.
#GodsGifttoWomen #MichaelCurtiz #JoanBlondell #AlanMowbray #YoladAvril #PreCode #Film
#godsgifttowomen #michaelcurtiz #joanblondell #alanmowbray #yoladavril #precode #film
88 years ago:
The Case of the Curious Bride (US)
After giving the District Attorney another stinging defeat, Perry plans to take a vacation in China. That is, he was, until Rhoda, his old flame, meets him at a restaurant. It seems that her husband Moxley, who had been allegedly dead for four years, is alive and demanding money as she has married i...
#TheCaseoftheCuriousBride #MichaelCurtiz #DonaldWoods #BartonMacLane #OlinHowland #Film
#thecaseofthecuriousbride #michaelcurtiz #donaldwoods #bartonmaclane #olinhowland #film
82 years ago:
The Sea Wolf (US)
Shipwrecked fugitives try to escape a brutal sea captain who's losing his mind.
#TheSeaWolf #MichaelCurtiz #EdwardGRobinson #IdaLupino #JohnGarfield #ClassicFilm
#theseawolf #michaelcurtiz #edwardgrobinson #idalupino #johngarfield #classicfilm
108 years ago:
The Undesirable (HU)
Original title: A tolonc
A young woman living in the country is told by her dying father that he is really her uncle and raised her as his own when her mother was sent to prison for killing her husband. Alone and not knowing her mother’s fate, Betty travels to the city in search of work. There she finds employment as a maid...
#TheUndesirable #MichaelCurtiz #VictorVarconi #Film
#theundesirable #michaelcurtiz #victorvarconi #film
89 years ago:
Jimmy the Gent (US)
An unpolished racketeer, whose racket is finding heirs for unclaimed fortunes, affects ethics and tea-drinking manners to win back the sweetheart who now works for his seemingly upright competitor.
#JimmytheGent #MichaelCurtiz #BetteDavis #Film
#jimmythegent #michaelcurtiz #bettedavis #film
73 years ago:
Young Man with a Horn (US)
Legendary trumpeter Art Hazzard teaches young Rick Martin everything he knows about playing, so Rick becomes a star musician, but a troubled marriage and the desire to play pure jazz instead of commercial swing songs cause him problems.
#YoungManwithaHorn #MichaelCurtiz #KirkDouglas #LaurenBacall #DorisDay #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#youngmanwithahorn #michaelcurtiz #kirkdouglas #laurenbacall #dorisday #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
87 years ago:
The Walking Dead (US)
Down-on-his-luck John Ellman is framed for a judge's murder. After he's convicted and sentenced to death, witnesses come forth and prove his innocence. But it was too late for a stay to be granted and Ellman is executed. A doctor uses an experimental procedure to restore him to life, though the full...
#TheWalkingDead #MichaelCurtiz #BorisKarloff #EdmundGwenn #PaulHarvey #Horror #SciFi #ClassicFilm #Movies
#thewalkingdead #michaelcurtiz #boriskarloff #edmundgwenn #paulharvey #horror #scifi #classicfilm #movies
On March 1, 1936, The Walking Dead premiered in New York City. Here’s some new original Boris Karloff art to celebrate!
#TheWalkingDead #MichaelCurtiz #BorisKarloff #JohnEllman #Horror #SciFi #MadScientistFilm #ZombieMovies #Zombies #ClassicFilm #TCMUnderground #ZombieArt #HorrorArt #CMYK #Art #PopArt #ModernArt #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#Thewalkingdead #michaelcurtiz #boriskarloff #johnellman #horror #scifi #madscientistfilm #zombiemovies #zombies #classicfilm #tcmunderground #zombieart #horrorart #cmyk #art #popart #modernart #portrait #movieart #moviehistory
90 years ago:
Mystery of the Wax Museum (US)
The disappearance of people and corpses leads a reporter to a wax museum and a sinister sculptor.
#MysteryoftheWaxMuseum #MichaelCurtiz #FayWray #GavinGordon #Horror #PreCode #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#mysteryofthewaxmuseum #michaelcurtiz #faywray #gavingordon #horror #precode #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
79 years ago:
Passage to Marseille (US)
A freedom-loving French journalist sacrifices his happiness and security to battle Nazi tyranny.
#PassagetoMarseille #MichaelCurtiz #HumphreyBogart #ClaudeRains #SydneyGreenstreet #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#passagetomarseille #michaelcurtiz #humphreybogart #clauderains #sydneygreenstreet #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film