#TheOtherOne - Started my rewatch on July 22nd, 2021.
Averaging 1 episode every 56 days, I reached the last one earlier this evening.
#JohnEsmonde #BobLarbey #RichardBriers #MichaelGambon #BBCsitcom #comedy
#theotherone #johnesmonde #boblarbey #richardbriers #michaelgambon #bbcsitcom #comedy
Finishing our Wives and Daughters (1999) rewatch. #MichaelGambon is incredible in this final episode. #BBC #CostumeDrama #90sTV #VictorianLiterature
#victorianliterature #90stv #costumedrama #bbc #michaelgambon
#TheOtherOne s2e5 (1979) - 9/10
One of the best episodes.
1️⃣ Very much a script from the late 1970s, it gives #JoannaDunham (#VanDerValk) a strong guest role as an executive wearied by sexist treatment in the workplace. Into this situation come Ralph and Brian.
2️⃣ #RichardBriers excels here. This is Ralph at his most obnoxious. The same goes for #MichaelGambon, who gives us Brian at his most gormless.
#theotherone #joannadunham #vandervalk #richardbriers #michaelgambon
#Dumbledore is sending me on missions in #ElderScrollsOnline
It's pure joy. :gameslove:
#dumbledore #elderscrollsonline #mmo #michaelgambon #eso
Il mistero di Sleepy Hollow
“Il mistero di Sleepy Hollow” segna un nuovo inizio per il regista di Burbank,
#1999 #AdamSchroederEntertainment #AmericanZoetrope #CasperVanDien #ChristinaRicci #ChristopherLee #ChristopherWalken #Film #IanMcDiarmid #JeffreyJones #JohnnyDepp #KarolFilmProductions #MandalayPictures #MartinLandau #MichaelGambon #MichaelGough #MirandaRichardson #ParamountPictures #RecensioneFilm #TimBurton #Visioni
#adamschroederentertainment #americanzoetrope #caspervandien #christinaricci #ChristopherLee #christopherwalken #film #ianmcdiarmid #jeffreyjones #johnnydepp #karolfilmproductions #mandalaypictures #martinlandau #michaelgambon #michaelgough #mirandarichardson #paramountpictures #recensionefilm #timburton #visioni