"Orbán’s fantasy theory menu includes: liberals rule the world, a values campaign tht denies gay men & women a place in the family, protectionist economic policies that transfer public assets to party insiders. Add to this 1-party rule that dismantles checks/balances, a politics that defines all opponents as enemies of the nation, & a vision of cultural struggle that identifies schools/universities as a crucial battleground for the control of future generations." #MichaelIgnatieff #TheAtlantic
#theatlantic #michaelignatieff
È possibile tradurre?
L’arte del traduttore (e dello scrittore) come tacita protesta contro la barriera delle differenze
| Michael Ignatieff, «Lettera internazionale», primavera 1991 | https://nonfiction.it/assaggi/e-possibile-tradurre/
#traduzione #translation #differenze #MichaelIgnatieff
#michaelignatieff #differenze #translation #traduzione