The #MorningMusic for 19 Dec 2022 (because it's still the morning SOMEWHERE) is the #AlanParsonsProject going for a Phil Spectory vibe...and #MichaelKaluta bringing his four-color-fiend bona-fides to the video. A real treasure.
Don't Answer Me - Alan Parsons Project
#1980spop #michaelkaluta #alanparsonsproject #morningmusic
8. It's definitely #MagetheAscension, especially thanks to #MichaelKaluta's artwork.
#michaelkaluta #magetheascension
I was going through my reference books and thought it might be nice to do some posts about artistic influences. Around college in the early 90s some of the big names for me were #MichaelKaluta, #JimBurns, #RichardCorben, and #ChrisAchilleos.
#chrisachilleos #richardcorben #jimburns #michaelkaluta