32 years ago today:
Dream On
S2E3: And Your Little Dog, Too
Australians have bought Whitestone, and great change is in the air. Gibby Fiske makes his first appearance as the new boss at Whitestone, and he doesn't want to publish literature. Gibby calls Whitestone employees into his office, one at a time. Most of Whitestone's employees suddenly find themse...
Airdate: 1991-07-14
#DreamOn #BrianBenben #WendieMalick #MichaelMcKean #HBO
#dreamon #brianbenben #wendiemalick #michaelmckean #hbo
The whole internet agrees Raymond and Doug Forcett should be together on The Good Place. #TheGoodPlace #TGP #Raymond #NicolasCantu #DougForcett #MichaelMcKean
#thegoodplace #TGP #raymond #nicolascantu #dougforcett #michaelmckean
“This Is Spinal Tap” hit theaters on this date in 1984.
#spinaltap #thisisspinaltap #dereksmalls #harryshearer #davidsthubbins #michaelmckean #nigeltufnel #christopherguest #baseballcards #cardart
#SpinalTap #ThisIsSpinalTap #dereksmalls #harryshearer #davidsthubbins #michaelmckean #nigeltufnel #christopherguest #baseballcards #cardart
1985 Clue Movie Trailer
#movie #movietrailer #clue
#EileenBrennan #TimCurry #MadelineKahn #ChristopherLloyd #MichaelMcKean #MartinMull #LesleyAnnWarren
#movie #movietrailer #clue #eileenbrennan #timcurry #madelinekahn #christopherlloyd #michaelmckean #martinmull #lesleyannwarren
Wondering what was on TV tonight, in 1980?
Laverne & Shirley (1976-1983)
#TV #LaverneAndShirley #1970s #1980s
#Nostalgia #PennyMarshall #CindyWilliams
#DavidLander #MichaelMcKean
"The Dating Game" S6E6
The girls fail to get on The Dating Game, but Lenny and Squiggy (somehow) get chosen by host Jim Lange. The boys turn the show upside down with their crazy antics and answers. Can they still rate winning a date?
#tv #laverneandshirley #1970s #1980s #nostalgia #pennymarshall #cindywilliams #davidlander #michaelmckean
The issue of #TheNewYorker bearing the date of my Bar Mitzvah contained #fiction by both #SJPerleman and #IBSinger so that's #MyCityInRuins. #SaigonSupersound #LegofLamb #SmokerChips #HollyCole #OrsonWelles #AlfredHitchcock #TheRecognitions #KevinBarry #SteveCarella #JoshuaFerris #TheWannadies #ImABeliever #TheNewPornographers #MichaelMcKean #Tonkotsu #Jeeves #Bertie #ChangMai #Songkran #KarlStruss #SaulBass #LeslieRagan #HarryNilsson #TheBasementTapes #Jockstrap #HoneyHush #BettyBoop #SCTV
#sctv #bettyboop #honeyhush #jockstrap #thebasementtapes #harrynilsson #leslieragan #SaulBass #karlstruss #songkran #changmai #bertie #Jeeves #Tonkotsu #michaelmckean #thenewpornographers #ImABeliever #thewannadies #joshuaferris #stevecarella #kevinbarry #therecognitions #alfredhitchcock #orsonwelles #HollyCole #smokerchips #legoflamb #saigonsupersound #mycityinruins #ibsinger #sjperleman #fiction #thenewyorker