#OnThisDate, August 27, A Canterbury Tale (Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, 1944) is the #FilmDuJour. #MichaelPowell #EmericPressburger #UK #hauntology #FilmNoir #mystery #film #cinema #CineMastodon @film #1940s
#onthisdate #filmdujour #michaelpowell #emericpressburger #uk #hauntology #filmnoir #mystery #film #cinema #cinemastodon #1940s
72 years ago:
The Tales of Hoffmann (UK)
A young poet named Hoffman broods over his failed romances. First, his affair with the beautiful Olympia is shattered when he realizes that she is really a mechanical woman designed by a scientist. Next, he believes that a striking prostitute loves him, only to find out she was hired to fake her aff...
#TheTalesofHoffmann #MichaelPowell #PamelaBrown #RobertHelpmann #ClassicFilm
#thetalesofhoffmann #michaelpowell #pamelabrown #roberthelpmann #classicfilm
Remembering Karlheinz Bohm, a.k.a. #CarlBoehm (1928-2014), the Austrian-German film and stage actor, born in Darmstadt #OnThisDay. He worked for Disney, Fassbinder and George Pal but best remembered as Mark Lewis, the lonely, disturbed would-be filmmaker / murderer in #MichaelPowell's remarkable #PeepingTom (1960).
Check out our analysis of the film: https://www.cinerequiem.com/2022/02/take-me-to-your-cinema-outrage-humour.html
#BornOnThisDay #BOTD #OTD #HorrorMovies #BritishHorror #ProtoSlasher #Horror #1960sCinema #CineRequeim #CineMastodon
#carlboehm #OnThisDay #michaelpowell #peepingtom #bornonthisday #botd #otd #horrormovies #britishhorror #protoslasher #horror #1960scinema #cinerequeim #cinemastodon
Peeping Tom (1960), the serial killer/voyeurism movie that wrecked director Michael Powell's career. A superb movie that remains disturbing.
Like Hitchcock's Psycho (from the same year) it pushed the edge of the envelope as far as screen terror was concerned.
My review: https://princeplanetmovies.blogspot.com/2023/03/peeping-tom-1960.html
#classicmovies #classicmovie #1960smovie #britishmovies #BritishCinema #cultmovies #cultmovie #MichaelPowell #serialkiller #serialkillers
#classicmovies #classicmovie #1960smovie #britishmovies #britishcinema #cultmovies #cultmovie #michaelpowell #serialkiller #serialkillers
What are your picks as the most visually stunning movies ever made? My totally personal list:
Faust 1926
The Scarlet Empress 1934
He Walked by Night 1948
Black Narcissus 1947
Kwaidan 1964
A Clockwork Orange 1971
Lisa and the Devil 1974
Barry Lyndon 1975
Suspiria 1977
La Belle Captive 1983
#FilmMastodon #films #film #fwmurnau #JosefvonSternberg #MichaelPowell #StanleyKubrick #MarioBava #DarioArgento #alainrobbegrillet #classicmovies #classicmovie #artmovies #cultmovies #cultmovie #cinema
#FilmMastodon #films #film #FWMurnau #JosefVonSternberg #michaelpowell #stanleykubrick #MarioBava #darioargento #alainrobbegrillet #classicmovies #classicmovie #artmovies #cultmovies #cultmovie #cinema
74 years ago:
The Small Back Room (UK)
At the height of World War II, the Germans begin dropping a new type of booby-trapped bomb on England. Sammy Rice, a highly-skilled but haunted bomb-disposal officer, must overcome his personal demons to defeat this new threat.
#TheSmallBackRoom #MichaelPowell #DavidFarrar #KathleenByron #JackHawkins #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#thesmallbackroom #michaelpowell #davidfarrar #kathleenbyron #jackhawkins #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
On February 13, 2008 Peeping Tom was screened at the Berlin International Film Festival. Here’s some original Moira Shearer art!
#PeepingTom #MichaelPowell #MoiraShearer #Horror #Slasher #HorrorMovies #HorrorFilm #HorrorArt #SlasherMovies #SlasherArt #60sHorror #CensoredFilm#Art #MovieHistory #CultCinema #CultMovies #CultFilm
#peepingtom #michaelpowell #moirashearer #horror #slasher #horrormovies #horrorfilm #horrorart #slashermovies #slasherart #60shorror #censoredfilm #moviehistory #cultcinema #cultmovies #cultfilm
On February 6, 1970 Peeping Tom debuted in Madrid, Spain. Here’s some original Moira Shearer art!
#PeepingTom #MichaelPowell #MoiraShearer #Horror #Slasher #HorrorMovies #HorrorFilm #HorrorArt #SlasherMovies #SlasherArt #60sHorror #CensoredFilm#Art #MovieHistory #CultCinema #CultMovies #CultFilm
#peepingtom #michaelpowell #moirashearer #horror #slasher #horrormovies #horrorfilm #horrorart #slashermovies #slasherart #60shorror #censoredfilm #moviehistory #cultcinema #cultmovies #cultfilm
Peeping Tom (1960) - Powell
#MichaelPowell #horror #peepingtom
#michaelpowell #horror #peepingtom
RT @MichaelWarbur17@twitter.com
The beautiful 15-minute ballet in
took 6 weeks to shoot with a corps de ballet of 53 dancers.
#MoiraShearer #MichaelPowell #EmericPressburger #JackCardiff
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MichaelWarbur17/status/1611358466014052354
#jackcardiff #emericpressburger #michaelpowell #moirashearer
Les sabatilles vermelles (The Red Shoes) #MichaelPowell #EmericPressburger #cinema
#michaelpowell #emericpressburger #cinema
Black Narcissus (1947) - Powell/Pressburger
#DevorahKerr #JeanSimmons #Emericpressburger #MichaelPowell #thearchers #JackCardiff #technicolor #Sabu #KathleenByron
#devorahkerr #jeansimmons #emericpressburger #michaelpowell #TheArchers #jackcardiff #technicolor #sabu #kathleenbyron
La historia de un amor en plena guerra no es nada nuevo, pero #EmericPressburger y #MichaelPowell decidieron elevarlo a los altares, literalmente, con un derroche de imaginación e innovación que marcarían #AVidaoMuerte #AMatterofLifeandDeath como una de las mejores películas de la historia y punto de referencia para muchos cineastas posteriores (sobre todo, del género fantástico).
El plano de esa maravillosa escalera (#StarwaytoHeaven) es magnífico.
#michaelpowell #emericpressburger #sightandsound #cineromantico #cineclasico #starwaytoheaven #amatteroflifeanddeath #avidaomuerte
Some helpful keywords regarding #film and #cinema: #jeanlucgodard #akirakurosawa #agnesvarda #nagisaoshima #michaelpowell #emericpressburger
#film #cinema #jeanlucgodard #akirakurosawa #agnesvarda #nagisaoshima #michaelpowell #emericpressburger